The UK Growers Thread!

No the island is called the united kingdom, and once we gain independence we wil no longer be united with the rest of the uk, which includes england wales and Northern ireland, great britain is just a phrase imo, even on offical papers up hre we get a choice to tick that we are British or Scottish that says it all for me,

No Gary mate you are mistaken, the island is called Great Britain.
Great Britain is an island that contains 2 country's and a principality.
England and Scotland are country's while Wales is a principality.

The UK is a political term, it is not a geographical location.

It is "The United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland", look at your passport mate.
Over here u get that alot with the north but tbh if we did get the north back we would be fucked (more so than now) no fucking way could we keep it a float
Good luck handling your 3rd of the national debt mind.

Shouldnt be too big a problem with the amount of oil we plunder off the aberdeen cost in the north sea, once we become independent thats ours and ours alone so wont need to share with the rest of uk the money we save from that will go towards paying off the debt incurred while under the pityful guidance of the fools we have called pm's
No Gary mate you are mistaken, the island is called Great Britain.
Great Britain is an island that contains 2 country's and a principality.
England and Scotland are country's while Wales is a principality.

The UK is a political term, it is not a geographical location.

It is "The United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland", look at your passport mate.
Cunt !!! Lmao I knew what I ment,
If we ae gonna class everyone by the mainland they live on whats the point in having seperate nations? Why bothr being scottish, welsh irish or english if we're all Brits, why bother being french, german, czech etc etc if they are just all europeans, do u get my point? We are our own nations and are not defined by the island we live on as it isnt all the same,
This is what I ment mate, maybe not right buts its what I think
Shouldnt be too big a problem with the amount of oil we plunder off the aberdeen cost in the north sea, once we become independent thats ours and ours alone so wont need to share with the rest of uk the money we save from that will go towards paying off the debt incurred while under the pityful guidance of the fools we have called pm's

Unfortunately its already owned and you wont even get a payrise for working..

wishful thinking though ..
Rigs and rights owned by shell company's started by Thatcher back in the day, common knowledge mate.

I could dig you some facts up if you really want em.
i agree partly but not solely at all.

I guess the Scotts dont like to know who there employer is...


I wonder if hes got a Scottish accent , phaps he does rap too.

I suspect his business savvy is far sharper than his lyrics...

So therefore Scottish independance has more relevance to this man than your average Scotsman.
