The UK Growers Thread!

Fuck that shit Gary! Write those fuckers a strongly worded letter n don't even put kind regards and the end put. Just "regards" that'll show the cunts
Following the 1958 Continental shelf convention and after some disputes on the rights to natural resource exploitation [24] the national limits of the exclusive economic zones were ratified. Five countries are involved in oil production in North Sea. All operate a tax and royaltylicensing regime. The respective sectors are divided by median lines agreed in the late 1960s:

  • United Kingdom - The Department of Energy and Climate Change (DECC - formerly the Department of Trade and Industry) grants licences. The UKCS (United Kingdom Continental Shelf) is divided into quadrants of 1 degree latitude and one degree longitude. Each quadrant is divided into 30 blocks measuring 10 minutes of latitude and 12 minutes of longitude. Some blocks are divided further into part blocks where some areas are relinquished by previous licensees. For example, block 13/24a is located in quad 13 and is the 24th block and is the 'a' part block. The UK government has traditionally issued licences via periodic (now annual) licensing rounds. Blocks are awarded on the basis of the work programme bid by the participants. The UK government has actively solicited new entrants to the UKCS via "promote" licensing rounds with less demanding terms and the fallow acreage initiative, where non-active licences have to be relinquished.
  • Norway - The Norwegian Petroleum Directorate (NPD Website in English ) grants licences. The NCS is also divided into quads of 1 degree by 1 degree. Norwegian licence blocks are larger than British blocks, being 15 minutes of latitude by 20 minutes of longitude (12 blocks in a quad). Like in Britain, there are numerous part blocks formed by re-licensing relinquished areas.
  • Denmark - The Danish Energy Authority (website in English) administers the Danish sector. The Danes also divide their sector of the North Sea into 1 degree by 1 degree quadrants. Their blocks, however, are 10 minutes latitude by 15 minutes longitude. Part blocks exist where partial relinquishments have taken place.
  • Germany - Germany and the Netherlands share a quadrant and block grid - quadrants are given letters rather than numbers. The blocks are 10 minutes latitude by 20 minutes longitude. Germany has the smallest sector in the North Sea.
  • Netherlands - The Dutch sector is located in the Southern Gas Basin and shares a grid pattern with Germany.

If Scotland gain independence they will have to pay the United Kingdom to drill for North Sea Oil.
And seen as the United Kingdom is a political union (private trading entity) that'll be a win for capitalist politics then.

The uk shelf that we have been allocated wil be split at yhe median line drwn up in 1960s for fishing but will be redraughted to include oil, we wont be paying u a penny as it will be 90% in our waters, the english government just wont admit it yet but look deeper and not just what the mainstream news is telling u and u mightbstart to see the truth
The uk shelf that we have been allocated wil be split at yhe median line drwn up in 1960s for fishing but will be redraughted to include oil, we wont be paying u a penny as it will be 90% in our waters, the english government just wont admit it yet but look deeper and not just what the mainstream news is telling u and u mightbstart to see the truth

I don't follow mainstream news mate

I'd like to see the United Kingdom (as a political union and private trading entity) turn over all that oil it owns to an independent Scotland though.

I'd say it's not as simple as you think Gaz.
See the thing before about the difference between the UK and Great Britain is very important.

The UK as we know is a political union between Great Britain and Northern Ireland.
The north sea and it's oil surrounds the north coast of Britain.
The oil belongs to the island which is in turn owned by the UK private/political.
Britain was around long before the country of Scotland, the country of Scotland sits on land owned by the UK.
The barbarians sort themselves out and form the Kingdom of Scotland in 843AD and suddenly lay claim to all this oil off the coast of Britannia that the Romans named back in the 1st century.

Nice try Scotland. ;)
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I don't follow mainstream news mate

I'd like to see the United Kingdom (as a political union and private trading entity) turn over all that oil it owns to an independent Scotland though.

I'd say it's not as simple as you think Gaz.
dont worry none of it will ever get to either the ordinary Scot or Englishman.

the politicians have had it away .......
Aye one on the left looks nice but the pic don't do the other justice if someone handed me that is be very very suspicious lol been a while since in had some good hash can't wait to make my own batch of.bubble

if i saw that again at ten paces id wanna rip your arm off for it..
go and have some. its top notch hashish of the finest grade.
