The UK Growers Thread!


Well-Known Member
Which country are they coming from?

L&M are about £15-£18 and B&H are about £25 a sleeve (more if conversion is shit) a sleeve in any Polish cash and carry, I'm pretty sure they're not much cheaper in the Ukraine either.

It would have to some bullshit despot country outside the EU for em to be that cheap or they're fake.
And they come off a boat with millions of other fags, when you're shipping containers full you can afford to sell em for less.
Fags are alot cheaper in the Ukraine they retail @ about €1.50 a pack in the Ukraine n about €4 in Poland. Alot of the fake fags over here are actually made here with a Spanish warning attached to the packaging.

The Yorkshireman

Well-Known Member
The shipping companies buy them by the container load, ship em out to Africa around the Cape or Gibraltar where all the boats refuel and use them to restock the on-board shop/stores the crews buy from whilst on the boats working, the crew are allowed to buy a certain amount of fags/baccy from the ships store every X amount of days so they just smoke as little as possible n stash the sleeves of fags around the boat ready for docking in the UK as they are only supposed to be allowed a smaller amount whilst in UK waters, whereas they are allowed to be in possession of more n international waters.
Chatting to the boat crew ( all filipino) they reckon they can make 5x their yearly wage ( a pittance in UK terms) in selling fags throughout the year doing this, some of the crew are only on £1-2k a year( since they are employed from the philippines not the UK/EU) but can make £10-20k a year with the fags

Aye yeah I've just realised it's that "No law on international water" thing.

It's a fucking mindlessly ironic situation though, sums up globalist capitalism/supply and demand in a paragraph.


Well-Known Member
Aye yeah I've just realised it's that "No law on international water" thing.

It's a fucking mindlessly ironic situation though, sums up globalist capitalism/supply and demand in a paragraph.
Yup, its annoying also as I know ppl that can get hold of container loads of genuine fags etc but they only sell you the container of fags , its up to you to get them into the country


Well-Known Member
I'm thinking about driving across Europe with the missus though, I wonder what I can pick up between Poland and the checkpoint in France on the way back?

Ooooooh look, the Netherlands!
buy a car, drive out there buy what you want then get someone to either weld it into the frame of the car or build you a hidden compartment lol, there was a whole program on the people that engineer these compartments , think it was on discovery channel or similar

The Yorkshireman

Well-Known Member
Yup, its annoying also as I know ppl that can get hold of container loads of genuine fags etc but they only sell you the container of fags , its up to you to get them into the country
I can go to the fucking factory and do that!.......:lol:

I can get 1L bottles of good quality vodka from the cash and carrys for £4.
I was thinking about importing booze straight from the distilleries in Poland on my license and making a killing until I realised how much the tax is per litre.

The Yorkshireman

Well-Known Member
buy a car, drive out there buy what you want then get someone to either weld it into the frame of the car or build you a hidden compartment lol, there was a whole program on the people that engineer these compartments , think it was on discovery channel or similar
I don't think I'd need to go to that extreme but but I'm defo coming home with something.

I'm going to the mountain side of Poland this year in August for my birthday and I'm taking some fucking BHO or tincture with me this time.
Poland's cool and all but when you don't speak the language enough to converse to a decent extent the head needs a time out.


Well-Known Member
Mad Mike knows what it's about

That's one sexy engine at 00:55.
like the work on the engine, but excuse me wheres the skills and precision, lol I could drift that car round a fukin track, the Georgian is good to watch but for the sheer fukitness but if he killed your family doing it he would look like a cunt not cool at all and the point I made about the roads is that they are ya typical british road yano the ones I tool around on everyday a fast car


Well-Known Member
oh ffs i was menna send u oe of the 250 bulbs REMEEBR?
Don't need it mate I got a 250 cfl and so far so good man.....anyone got any ideas on how to stop my tent caving in so much? Its crushing my plants!!! I was thinking some 1.2 poles like another square frame half way up the tent would stop the middles caving in a lot....any easier ideas?


Well-Known Member
Don't need it mate I got a 250 cfl and so far so good man.....anyone got any ideas on how to stop my tent caving in so much? Its crushing my plants!!! I was thinking some 1.2 poles like another square frame half way up the tent would stop the middles caving in a lot....any easier ideas?
yeh poles or leave zip open a tad coz ur on a 8"?

and wat? u wanted the bulb last we spoke? lol we must have got wires crossed on wtf we was tlaking boot.

ghoji and dog cuts going in bubbler tonight

this films fucking ace..... go on COSTNER##11


Well-Known Member
[QUOTEIC3M4L3, post: 10490517, member: 416682"]yeh poles or leave zip open a tad coz ur on a 8"?

and wat? u wanted the bulb last we spoke? lol we must have got wires crossed on wtf we was tlaking boot.

ghoji and dog cuts going in bubbler tonight

this films fucking ace..... go on COSTNER##11[/QUOTE]

Lmao yeh I said I might have it then the other week I saidniy as alright as I bought a cfl think your head was a bit fucked then lol....aye I've tried leaving the zip open a bit and opened 2 vents but still getting its arse pulled inside out and I'm scared of light leaks so ive closed em again....the middle of the tent must be getting pulled in a good 10" all round


Well-Known Member
I can go to the fucking factory and do that!.......:lol:

I can get 1L bottles of good quality vodka from the cash and carrys for £4.
I was thinking about importing booze straight from the distilleries in Poland on my license and making a killing until I realised how much the tax is per litre.
I can go to the fucking factory and do that!.......:lol:


Actually I dont think you can, in most countries you need to be on an approved buyer list ( government/tax office etc approved)and have an account set up with the factory n credit checks etc etc etc, its part of all this EU bollocks to stop criminals just going to the factory, buying a container load n then shipping it into a country without paying tax.

a mate of mine looked into it a few years ago as he was gonna solely import foreign fags that arent sold in this country n seel em to ppl from the relevant countries from which they came (polish fags in polish shops, indian fags in indian shops etc) and he came across so many legal n logistical barriers it simply wasnt worth the effort, reckoned he would have had to spend over £200k in legal fees just getting the relevant background checks n permits etc


Well-Known Member
Don't need it mate I got a 250 cfl and so far so good man.....anyone got any ideas on how to stop my tent caving in so much? Its crushing my plants!!! I was thinking some 1.2 poles like another square frame half way up the tent would stop the middles caving in a lot....any easier ideas?
Have you got any bamboo canes at your place?


Well-Known Member
[QUOTSaerimmner, post: 10490558, member: 224323"]Have you got any bamboo canes at your place?[/QUOTE]

Yeh ive just been sizing em up on the outside of the tent and too short...but I'm gonna get some long thick ones and that should do the trick hopefully I'll just tape em up with some gaffa tape lol proper style