The UK Growers Thread!


Well-Known Member
What a fucking idiot I am, got that pissed last night must have dropped ma wallet at some point and only realised an hour ago, went back tracing my steps and asked in the bars with no fucking luck, luckily thee was no cash in it just my bank cards and driving licence, just cancelled my bank cards but now need to transfer all my money into the wifes account to get it out and she can only take 300 a day, its fucking wank, think I need to lay off yne booze a yeah right


Well-Known Member
Yeah wasnt one of my best moments m8, this whole holiday has just been a nightmare, im more gutted bout losing some family pics and a luck half fiver that my grandad gave me b4 he died that was in the back of my wallet, its worthless to everyone else but priceless to me,


Well-Known Member
Wank that is Gaz mate proper shit when ya lose something sentimental...not been the best of trips for ya has it man...just think get a nice grow done then ya can go on another hols....hopefully a better one


Well-Known Member
@ICE, just about to pack stuff up n i can only find 1 ballast, got 2 shades, blubs etc but only 1 ballast, just torn the whole place apart n it simply aint here sorry mate, i might have lent it to someone without remembering lmao


Well-Known Member
Wank that is Gaz mate proper shit when ya lose something sentimental...not been the best of trips for ya has it man...just think get a nice grow done then ya can go on another hols....hopefully a better one
Its the thought of getting home and setup again thats keeping me going m8 lol, dont know about another hols just yet tho after this one ill be happy to be at home for the foreseeable :)


Well-Known Member
so yorkie whats your take on it ? ALIENS or no ALIENS ? Secret cults or no secret cults ? mass coverups or not ? con trails real or not ? Personally i think we are being fucked over . a few months ago i didnt beilive in half of the stuff i have seen beacause i was too narrow minded basically . ive watched & read numeruous books on all kinds of matter , & Its very very strange


Well-Known Member
Not ur fault mate, that's what happensbwhen u give a Scottish man a open bar lol...u were probably pick pocketed tbh
What a fucking idiot I am, got that pissed last night must have dropped ma wallet at some point and only realised an hour ago, went back tracing my steps and asked in the bars with no fucking luck, luckily thee was no cash in it just my bank cards and driving licence, just cancelled my bank cards but now need to transfer all my money into the wifes account to get it out and she can only take 300 a day, its fucking wank, think I need to lay off yne booze a yeah right


Well-Known Member
so yorkie whats your take on it ? ALIENS or no ALIENS ? Secret cults or no secret cults ? mass coverups or not ? con trails real or not ? Personally i think we are being fucked over . a few months ago i didnt beilive in half of the stuff i have seen beacause i was too narrow minded basically . ive watched & read numeruous books on all kinds of matter , & Its very very strange
I know im not yorkie but ill chuck my thruppence worth in lol

aliens yes, but not the "little green man from mars in flying saucers" everyone immediately goes to, will more than likely be single celled organisms or something equally tiny

Coverups- yes without a shadow of a doubt, been going on for thousands of years ( see the bible, USA, rise of the british empire etc etc)

Contrails- are exactly that, trails of condensation


Well-Known Member
No probs zedd & rolax why do you think youtube is full of dribble mate ? there are many people out there who are fucking crazy but not everybody can be lieing ? each video i watch each book i read is very eye opening . you cant fabricate all this shit . Sae i agree more like the tall greys ? & sorry the question was for everybody not specifically for yorkie like it was typed out to be lol .


Well-Known Member
No probs zedd & rolax why do you think youtube is full of dribble mate ? there are many people out there who are fucking crazy but not everybody can be lieing ? each video i watch each book i read is very eye opening . you cant fabricate all this shit . Sae i agree more like the tall greys ? & sorry the question was for everybody not specifically for yorkie like it was typed out to be lol .
tall greys? sorry you lost me lol
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