The UK Growers Thread!


Well-Known Member
any ways like i said before i came into here as its the uk thread if you all dont want me in here then thats not my problem everyone has something to contribute i didnt come in here for keyboard warriors i came to see whats going on in the uk and contribute and learn from experienced people
i did get accused of pretending to be some one else and hosting fake shit which pissed me off and i might of offended a few people
but all bul shit asside does it matter where im from im white im born and bread in the uk all my life ive prob stayed in allmost all the major cities and towns due to my work
so lets stop with all the childish shit


Well-Known Member
I see the uk thread like one of those shitty run down pubs on council estates. We have our regulars our original oldtimers , our friends that pop in from the past ..... now a outsider doesnt walk in a place like that n get accepted , he has to earn n build trust over a period of time before he is accepted. ....


Well-Known Member
I see the uk thread like one of those shitty run down pubs on council estates. We have our regulars our original oldtimers , our friends that pop in from the past ..... now a outsider doesnt walk in a place like that n get accepted , he has to earn n build trust over a period of time before he is accepted. ....
ok then now i understand more
makes sence too
ok il say it once i appologise for not getting the the lie of the land and if ive offended anyone on the mission of destruction .


Well-Known Member
At the end of the day we are all breaking the law in one way or another ppl have to stay safe. Theres been far to many cunts try n hurt the uk thread over the years