The UK Growers Thread!


Well-Known Member
gotta say ghetto all this tooting never done shit for me even the grade was no buzz but smoke a bit well dif story


Well-Known Member
lol it's never too late to talk growing in here, it's a 24/7/365 job.

going to do a bit of midnight gardening myself, just had a large black coffee from mcdonalds so that's me up for the night:shock:


Well-Known Member
I folier fed mine about 5 days ago with a bit of boost and liquid seaweed and I dont know if its just the time of season for em or that spraying but they have shot up out buds are everywhere and v good THC production already ;) happy chappy......will have 2 exo coming down on Friday that have been on pure vitalink so this is the tester for me.....they look fucking gorgeous as well man proper jealous of the cunt lolol


Well-Known Member
I think rock is such a better buzz than coke especially if you get the good stuff and fuck I've just got the good stuff.....had to meet a few rough lookin yardies like lol but damn.....and I know its good cuz I ain't gagging for another I could just leave it at that if I wanted .......but I want 1 more lnao


Well-Known Member
Easy fellas,just signed up but been reading for a while now.On my second go and currently smoking some stinky cheese from my first attempt bongsmilie
good on ya urban tastes that little bit sweeter when you've grown it yaself don't fave bit is selling it to the lads I used to buy off lolol that's if there's any left of course haha

o0 uRbAn BlAzEr 0o

Active Member
good on ya urban tastes that little bit sweeter when you've grown it yaself don't fave bit is selling it to the lads I used to buy off lolol that's if there's any left of course haha
true man ,loving saving doe and blazing hard.Cant be arsed with the hassle of selling to be honest just sort a few pals out when i drop:leaf:;)


Well-Known Member
Nah its alrigh mate I owe u a bit already bro I'm all good for now mate......might buy 2 autos for the veg tent and see what all the fuss is about if I'm on Tina winner that makes money..potentially I could have 2 flower rooms bit that's all theory the practical always fucks me over lolol


Well-Known Member
Mr lonely lol.....I'm tell in ya what that stone has done me I'm wired ta fuck lolol just had a fat head now time to go bed this should be fun.....set up 2 gnat traps today hopefully they work not checked em yet I've cut the top of a bottke off about 3rd of the way up put some sugar and vinegar in the base the put the top inside the other bit of the bottle so its like a funnel.....suppose work wonder with apple cider vinegar but rough working class folk like us don't have that poking round gaff do we ya fackin mag got some yellow sticky traps on the way as well .........its just adult ones at the mo....not loads but enough to piss me off something chronic lol.....think of hiesenberg tryna catch that fly in break in bad lol........and can they live in the house? Do I need to fumigate my room? .....need another 2 rks as well and some small acolating fans...,.oh and a top if the range real diamond encrusted hood for 6 qaudrabazilian times better reflection lol Nah I do need a new air cooled sealed hood tho my silver star one was good does anyone have any better recommendations its for a 600 of course and in this weather I could drop the little 250 in for shits n giggles ta mean ......right 187's out I'm fucked lol nan nyt my boys hope one of you shits the bed lolol ;) peaaaaaaaace :peace:


Well-Known Member
Jaysus you've been associating with these lads long enough Irish lol Michael Collins would be turning in his grave