The UK Growers Thread!


Well-Known Member
my maddest combo didnt end very well but was fun at the time well until i woke up in the hosp anyway lol was yrs ago in me youth, was canning the vals n sniff all morning then ive gone round me mates and talking to his gran who was a high up nurse looking after the near dying peeps she knew i was a mash head n i was pretty wrecked at the time anyway bout lunchtime lol anyway ive gone on about oxy and how im trying to get hold of em and booom shes like i have them sambo you want some??? course i facking do lol she gave me 4 20s 2-3 40s a 1 80 the mad fuck, ive then continued the day sniffing n munching vals but also taking these oxy and cause of the coke i was really wasnt feeling much of them and giving it the large that they are shite n yanks are pussy's for how mad for them they are.

got to the end of the night n i was looking after a friends flat whilst he went fishing for the night, ive prob sniffed about a 8th by then taken 30-40vals n all the oxy bar the 80mg, everyone left the flat n i thought it would be a good idea to take the 80mg and have a bath thats the last i remember apart from waking up in the hosp, me mate had come home early cause the weather was shit and found me near dead in the bath, paramedics said i was minits away from dieing and i must have been in the bath for hrs n hrs cause i had all these pressure sores all over me, spent a full wk in the hosp the first few days i was totally out me nut still the drugs had fucked me up badly, i ripped a cafeta out me nob i member that just kept pulling it then finally yanked it out blood pissing out me nob i then collapsed on the floor of the bed rolling around in agony n remember a
nurse coming into the room n saying n a carribean accent ''you silly boy'' lol

drugs are bad mkay lol
i remember having a freak out on speed in Belgium,ending up in hospital the doc asking me if I'd taken anything as he checks my heart rate to which I replied "nope" long story short they give me this thing to bring me out of it n it was fucking amazing, I was tripping my nuts off for ages n seeing shit was convinced ppl had ratted me out n everything was heavy tbh but man I wish I knew that drug was great!! Mind I'd not slept in a few days at the time but wow tripping balls tied to a bed haha
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Well-Known Member
i remember having a freak out on speed in Belgium,ending up in hospital the dog asking me if I'd taken anything as he checks my heart rate to which I replied "nope" long story short they give me this thing to bring me out of it n it was fucking amazing, I was tripping my nuts off for ages n seeing shit was convinced ppl had ratted me out n everything was heavy tbh but man I wish I knew that drug was great!! Mind I'd not slept in a few days at the time but wow tripping balls tied to a bed haha
U must a been tripin hard if u taut it was a dog checkin ur heart rate ha :)


Well-Known Member
fuck i need to stop drinking, im like a proper old pisshead telling the same old storys once im drunk i remind meself of me old man and i dont get on too much with him, but remember listening to the same old fucking storys nights after night.

morning by the way.

fry up is needed today me thinks.
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Well-Known Member
fuck i need to stop drinking, im a proper old pisshead telling the same old storys once im drunk i remind meself of me old man and i dont get on too much with him, but remember listening to the same old fucking storys nights after night.

morning by the way.

fry up is needed today me thinks.
not at all man, love hearing ur stories makes mine seem less messed up


Well-Known Member
fed up of fucking cuttings, going to fuck em off n do 12/12 FS methinks, just gotta get rid of all these cuts an find me some seeds


Well-Known Member
what flavour?

you ever see these ffs buy them!, my fav kind of blunt skin, it has a wooden tip so you feel that extra bit gangster.


The Yorkshireman

Well-Known Member
what flavour?

you ever see these ffs buy them!, my fav kind of blunt skin, it has a wooden tip so you feel that extra bit gangster.

This one's blueberry but I've got a shitload in the kitchen drawer.

I'm not keen on those solid cones, tastes too much like a cigar for my liking.
I do like the wooden tip soaked in flavour oil though, tasty they are.

Don Gin and Ton

Well-Known Member
afternoon lads. so it's dry as sticks up north. no fuckers got. fuck i've not missed chasing round trying to find fucking green. might have to buy on the dark ffs.

Zedd n rambo, Lax, I'd recommend getting to an AA or NA meeting. once you see those fucked up cunts you'll realise you're still well in the recreational drink/drug abuser zone. made me feel much better. about all i got out of it mind.

the leader was practically telling me you aren't ready for AA lol.


Well-Known Member
busy day at work don? :D

weed is a sorry state here too, i can get haze for 240 and cheese for 200, not worth half that imo!

Don Gin and Ton

Well-Known Member
hahah always.... lol

that's it man, i don;t mind paying top end if it's grade gear but fuck sake it isn't close. even the good weed i got last time came with practically everything left on barring branches and fan leaves. greedy cnuts


Well-Known Member
aussie or nz i reckon. i clearly hear english, he is called jens or jase and the girl shouts oh my god in the middle.

either way he is not gonna be comfortable in that stool lol


Well-Known Member
lol im not saying hes dutch G lmao but that hes taken a dutch E aka a dutchie a really strong extasy pill, sound like yanky accents to me.