The UK Growers Thread!

Can't remember much tbh just bits...i hope it i ever say anything silly on here everyone will report it to the mods asap so it's removed lol
ur right man not as clean feeling as the acti

the activis are known worldwide pretty much as the best blues, teva's are good too but personally i still prefer the activis.

them zepose are indian generics, some batch's your find em no different to the activis/teva then others are weak as shit, rarely but it does happen they will also over-dose the dosage on some dodgy generics, they can be fun lol

i dont bother with the generics anymore, not since the activis/teva been about to buy easily before that i would and its only cause they take longer to be delivered that i choose the vals, but id still rather 2mg clonzepam, you just stay fucked for much longer with them its one of the longest lasting benzo's.
Well sweet talk zues to sell or try n get hold of the clomazepam shits pricy or If u ever wanna go half's with some vendor n we buy a few each I'm game. But yeah one acti n u feel it, two u wobble,3 ur pretty much drunk n now my favourite drop 4 n walk the dog...agreed, won't buy generics again just waiting one some hot chocolate loving powerful girl to get back to me on his stock lol
i am willing to post a pic showing that my 6'' penis is considerably longer than yours.
ok how about this we get someone neutral like sunny to hold a bitcoin wallet that we both put 100e in n anyone else wants in can add then we both posts pics of outer dicks next to a sky remote cuz if ur dick ain't bigger than a sky remoter u ain't got shit..average yanks fucks below 5"....I'm super serious about this u needle dick yank
doubt anyone really hates them as much as I do, they mostly wanna turn young boys sexually abuse them and give them a pointless life ,, wasted seed these hermies should be uprooted and fuked in the bin imo