The UK Growers Thread!

I have some friends in SW france near where merlot he thinks we are stupid and I know who he is lol im soo bored today...., and I went down there with some salvia and gave it to about 4 people who started running around like class
Haha Trippings fun ain't it DMT has gotta be the best tho man lol....I remember after my best hit after all the madness has gone and you feel normal again your still tripping hard cuz the room is covered in drawings and crazy patterns but that's fuck all compared to what u just saw lol seriously intense shit haha I'm gonna try dabbing it next see how it works just hope it don't mek me bong taste like burnt hair and shit lol
Wat 1s be good zeddd ? Was lookin at 220..
ive never bought t from the dn and always just ate 10 of what was the dose, so I rec 220 ug is 3 doses. first tme took it was 1/4 dose and I swear it was an amazing experience re day dreaming without the trip and loads energy and not hungry so its a bit of an all rounder imo epending on dose, any hstory of psych tho and stay well clear mo edt jizzed on me I key so typos
Haha Trippings fun ain't it DMT has gotta be the best tho man lol....I remember after my best hit after all the madness has gone and you feel normal again your still tripping hard cuz the room is covered in drawings and crazy patterns but that's fuck all compared to what u just saw lol seriously intense shit haha I'm gonna try dabbing it next see how it works just hope it don't mek me bong taste like burnt hair and shit lol

Il hav to give it a blast soon :)
Haha Trippings fun ain't it DMT has gotta be the best tho man lol....I remember after my best hit after all the madness has gone and you feel normal again your still tripping hard cuz the room is covered in drawings and crazy patterns but that's fuck all compared to what u just saw lol seriously intense shit haha I'm gonna try dabbing it next see how it works just hope it don't mek me bong taste like burnt hair and shit lol
taste like burnt bic biro x 10
ive never bought t from the dn and always just ate 10 of what was the dose, so I rec 220 ug is 3 doses. first tme took it was 1/4 dose and I swear it was an amazing experience re day dreaming without the trip and loads energy and not hungry so its a bit of an all rounder imo epending on dose, any hstory of psych tho and stay well clear mo edt jizzed on me I key so typos

So if i took a 220ug il be rightly fckd is wat ur tellin me :) ..
yes I think that would be a good dose, on the tongue t tastes lke battery acid with elecriticty the stronger the tingle the higher the dose then it should be 15 hours till you land

So il have to get rid of her for a wknd .. hmm il hav to work on this 1
Lol like DMT haha ze folk say mothballs or brand new shoes I'd say brand new shoes is the closest smell its also kinda shitty lol but once your hitting it u aint tasting shit u aint got time to taste lol

Cheese dabs got me mongoled on the sofa can't type for shit keep correcting mistakes haha