The UK Growers Thread!

Funny how that whole Ayrshire crew disappeared when Supersillybilly met his maker.......All a bit masonic if you ask me.

TBH i think when SSB OD`d it gave a lot of people a very quick slap of reality and from that it seems quite a few ppl toned down their excesses/behaviour etc, fuck even Dura got himself sorted n went n got a job etc and a lot of the other scottish lads moved to other forums as they didnt like the amount on offer in here on a daily basis, too tempting for em whilst they were trying to tone down etc
well I'm in the dog house again. Got yem 4:30 missus going acka. Bad crack when you've to go to graft for a bit peace ffs. Praying to god a spoons brekkie will fix me.
hows it spam its a banner this is a weed forum give ur head a shake cause u broke nd aint makin a killin its not as if im plastering all over the site 2 posts get a life u child

Coming from the person that has to obviously rely on referral rewards to get by in life that seems a bit rich, as for the child part, us ADULTS have MONEY to BUY seeds, we dont need to rely on a referral program to be able to afford the seeds we want y`know, so how about YOU give YOUR head a shake, move out of mummys basement n get a job so you dont have to spam shit all over forums?? Fucking keyboard warriors.......
see your jumping the gun you do not know me iv a massive grow im only 22 years old iv 260k in savings i dont need to rely on referrals cause the site im referrin offers easier options without even needing to be an affiliate you comment on strains you have tasted grown e.t.c for there database and they give you 2e for every 5 quick reviews users can post as many reviews as they like and as to relying on referrals as u previously said its called not giving up when you have a certain amount of cash its called entrepreneurship something you obviously no nothin about and as for the comment US ADULTS HAVE MONEY TO BUY SEEDS DATS A DICK MOVE cause theres adults dats less fortunate than gobshites like you that would realy appreciate some free seeds so get a grip u fckin sap and anyone that thinks this eejet is right in wat hes saying is a fool . some people are very sick and really need there strains like my mum with the hash oil yeno and they cant afford ya saying its there fault there gonna die of cancer cause they werent adult enuf to buy seeds shitebag id spit on ya if i seen ya


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Here we go meet ups and fistycuffs welcome to the uk growers thread lool

Hit some dmt last night must of not done enough tho as only got mildvisuals with eyes closed for abiut 3 mins and a dirty taste for about half hour lol next one im gonna just load up abig bowl and hit the fcker till i pass out surley thats a guaranteed breakthrough
see your jumping the gun you do not know me iv a massive grow im only 22 years old iv 260k in savings i dont need to rely on referrals cause the site im referrin offers easier options without even needing to be an affiliate you comment on strains you have tasted grown e.t.c for there database and they give you 2e for every 5 quick reviews users can post as many reviews as they like and as to relying on referrals as u previously said its called not giving up when you have a certain amount of cash its called entrepreneurship something you obviously no nothin about and as for the comment US ADULTS HAVE MONEY TO BUY SEEDS DATS A DICK MOVE cause theres adults dats less fortunate than gobshites like you that would realy appreciate some free seeds so get a grip u fckin sap and anyone that thinks this eejet is right in wat hes saying is a fool . some people are very sick and really need there strains like my mum with the hash oil yeno and they cant afford ya saying its there fault there gonna die of cancer cause they werent adult enuf to buy seeds shitebag id spit on ya if i seen ya

Firstly, I seriously doubt you are telling the truth regarding your "savings", in fact your whole response just reads like the fantastical ramblings of a young dreamer/wannabe, I would be highly surprised if you have even finished puberty yet by the way you write.

Yes some people are very sick, as was my mother before she died of cancer, however i doubt there are many ppl in this country that would struggle to afford a pack of basic seeds from a seedbank or friend etc, ive got friends that are unemployed/on disability etc that can still afford it, hell its only the big seedbanks like the one you promote that rips people off for like £100 for 10 seeds, the smaller more patient focussed seedbanks like breeders boutique and others understand this so price their seeds lower to ensure access to the low incomed/disabled/medical patients etc.

As for all the threats and ill spit on ya bollocks........well, simply you wouldnt buttercup, after a short stint in the RAF(unarmed combat mandatory training) as a civvy, then onto 18 years of being a pub manager n doorman I can tell you with utmost certainty that unless you are a professional cage fighter or similar, you, like so many others before you will simply attempt it and be unconscious on the floor bleeding a few seconds later wondering what the fuck happened so dont go around making promises you cant keep......
@GSC legend , ur from ballymun ffs that says it all, watch ur pockets lads

Also ur on the wrong thread for punting ur seeds ffs, most in here have access to plenty of clones and clone onlies for free and if they want seeds I'm sure BREEDERS BOUTIQUE would sort some out with very good deals........try somewhere else ye gyp