The UK Growers Thread!


Well-Known Member
have you thought about installing a plexiglass screen below your lights but above the plants? light can get through but heat wont, then the light s will be in a little box that might be easier to cool instead of trying to cool the whole cab at once? im rambling a bit so tell me if im confusing ya lol
yeah makes sense, more bloody diy

The Yorkshireman

Well-Known Member
Some beauties there yorkshireman, you've got a wicked camera as well. I guess 4.5 oz on "the keeper".
Cheers,I'll let you know the dry figures as and when.
The camera is a 'Nikon Coolpix 5600' you can pick them up for around £30-£50 on ebay,it's not very good (terrible shutter lag) unless you use the flash and macro together then with a little trial and error you can get some nice results.


Well-Known Member
Cheers,I'll let you know the dry figures as and when.
The camera is a 'Nikon Coolpix 5600' you can pick them up for around £30-£50 on ebay,it's not very good (terrible shutter lag) unless you use the flash and macro together then with a little trial and error you can get some nice results.
Lol, are you serious? This was taken on a £40 camera?

that's class. congrats on the harvest as well, a very successful grow all in all.


Well-Known Member
ahm bored, no grows on the go and a bloody ton of equipment jist sittin gatherin dust....ah fuckin hate being out on bail!!


Well-Known Member
I was explaining to my son the importance of keeping your penis clean.

"You pull the skin back, and wash the area underneath thoroughly."

"How often do I need to do that Dad?" He asked.

"Officially? Every time you bath or shower... Unofficially... Only when you think there's a genuine opportunity of a blow job."


Well-Known Member
Dura where u been. I thot u were dead
been on the piss billy, had a few full on heavy sessions. 3 all day sessions, first in the pub door last oot, had to get carried hame wae a barmaid one nite and the amount of white i got thru is just bloody scary!!need a week or two to financially recover.


Well-Known Member
What do a panda relationship and an average Scottish relationship have in common.

They don' t have sex and they all have black eyes.


Well-Known Member
morning riu so whats the best way to kill off these gnat lava ? and don whats the best concrete mix for a patio -.- lol


Well-Known Member
just wondering, if your doing a dwc and the air pump packs in how much hassle is gonny cause ? i mean could it be switched off at nite and then on again in the morning? the oxygen isnt gonna leave the water in a matter of hours so will it treally harm them, it doesnt create problems for a fish tank? the reason i ask is that i tried a 4 pot dwc in my bedroom but the sound of the fuckin air pump was jist too much tae sleep thru.