The UK Growers Thread!


Well-Known Member
Cheers sambo. lol them rolo yoghurts do get pretty heavy, think I managed 4 in one sittin once, was really baked and the pizza place was shut though so what ya gonna doooo

WOW them plants are lookin top notch mate!!!!, you startin a thread yet?????? lol
Shame you gotta quit growin for a while, ill be waitin for your return mate lol!!
thanks man, no thread yet, will probably start one once the TW and mango get to a decent size. dont worry, ill be stickin around here! drooling over everyone elses grows haha.

If anyone has a couple of minutes, have a quick read through of this page and see if you can tell me what the fuck these guys are chatting?


Well-Known Member
movin on up to the full room billy?
No m8. Just they were crammed in that tent like fuck all else. Didny realise my m8's dome was in that pic. Better take it

Gave them all a trim and spread the branches out. Had to tie a few up coz there werent as strong due to leaning on the tent. Don, the smell is quality. There is 16 there m8. Going to be some lovley AK kicking about in the next 6 weeks or so


Well-Known Member
you can get it off m8 when you press delete then go advanced and manage attachments that should bring that box up will ya pics in then u should be able to delete

Don Gin and Ton

Well-Known Member
delete the post entirely it will still be in your album tho.

aye the smell is lush eh, like tropical punch flavour. not any one fruit just tropical haha.

ive been having a right mare with me op. blockages in the autopots. 2 this last 2 days. couldnt figure the fuck why then twigged there was a load of broon sediment coming through the tubes blocking the valves. fuckin basement lighting never sent the filter in the kit did they.


Well-Known Member
delete the post entirely it will still be in your album tho.

aye the smell is lush eh, like tropical punch flavour. not any one fruit just tropical haha.

ive been having a right mare with me op. blockages in the autopots. 2 this last 2 days. couldnt figure the fuck why then twigged there was a load of broon sediment coming through the tubes blocking the valves. fuckin basement lighting never sent the filter in the kit did they.
I couldn't describe it and neither could ma m8. But thats a good description.....TROPICAL. No specific fruit just tropical. lol Spot on


Well-Known Member
haha, he'll be fine billy, can't see enough to get a decent shot. I thought you had 2x600W? They are fucking huge though, not suprised you had to move em! You got any ona to go up there? A guy couple towns from me got busted because the smell was leaking from his attic. The picture in the paper looked exactly like your current setup lol


Well-Known Member
Thought this might interest some of yas, was having a mooch around Aldi the other day for BBQ stuff and came across this, its like a hempy bucket/self watering container thingy, might be good for anyone thats away from their grow for days at a time, they have got them in all shapes and sizes btw plantpot.jpg


Well-Known Member
haha, he'll be fine billy, can't see enough to get a decent shot. I thought you had 2x600W? They are fucking huge though, not suprised you had to move em! You got any ona to go up there? A guy couple towns from me got busted because the smell was leaking from his attic. The picture in the paper looked exactly like your current setup lol
Cheers for the para rush WoW. There is 2 600w lights there. All AK48's up there. Well I'm away on holiday on 29th of May(when they will be at thier smelliest) and my bro will be watching them for 2 weeks. lol


Well-Known Member
Cheers for the para rush WoW. There is 2 600w lights there. All AK48's up there. Well I'm away on holiday on 29th of May(when they will be at thier smelliest) and my bro will be watching them for 2 weeks. lol
Lol just lookin out for ya! just get 4 pots of ona, two at each side, will at least tame the smell. shhhhh don't tell your bro haha


Well-Known Member
i've stopped ordering from BL... they fucked up my last order royally.. i think they too fscking stoned up in there... they left half the shit out and the other half was wrong...

never had a problem before... but i called the guy and he was like "what do you want me to do about it?".. wtf fix it bellend

they did refund the difference though.. eventually...

delete the post entirely it will still be in your album tho.

aye the smell is lush eh, like tropical punch flavour. not any one fruit just tropical haha.

ive been having a right mare with me op. blockages in the autopots. 2 this last 2 days. couldnt figure the fuck why then twigged there was a load of broon sediment coming through the tubes blocking the valves. fuckin basement lighting never sent the filter in the kit did they.