The UK Growers Thread!

mann that glue veg mother is fukin massive, my glue is 4 x the exo post stretch, its a fukin monster but watch out for lime green leaves in veg and some weird twisted leaf shit in flower, freak of a plant mite swap it in exo out depends on demand
Lmao, watching you lot talk about the GG is funny as.......

Everyone be like....

its true what zeddd says tho m8 he was selfish for killing him self leaven his kids wife mum dad ect to deal with it

Yeah someone always says that when someone tops em self...............without knowing the persons reasons/situation etc

Also, when ppl with say parkinsons etc kill emselves before they decline too far mentally/physically etc everyone praises em as a hero.........................again without knowing their circumstances

Just find it funny how people switch between the 2 depending on who the deceased is etc
To take your own life when you've a young family is selfish as fuck...we all have bad days months even years man but to leave your wife and kids behind like that it's bad! Poor fucker poor family...its a shame some folk get that low tho gotta be bad to blow ya brains out...real bad