The UK Growers Thread!


Well-Known Member
Lol u on the sauce 1stblood might be good laugh later on then might get the med box out mi self :)
the exo was a day late but seeing as its free carnt grumble so told the missus im out for the night to have a smoke lol, necked a half bot bit of naughty n gonna chill with the exo bloody mashed n looking to chew a ear or 2 of lol but robbies ignoring me, puks is having his dins, drags is working n dons insulting me for no reason lolol


Well-Known Member
About finished my first beer of the day....Kingsday / Koningsdag tomorrow here....national holiday. Weathers shite though so all those plonkers on boats will get soaking.


Well-Known Member
was on the site the other day having a look D 26 quid for a fekking t-shirt?!? lol

quick Q mate is that you in toke n talk on the pic of yaself thread with dst t-shirt? always imagined you as a old angry scot lol looking fresh in the pic lmao
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Well-Known Member
was on the site the other day having a look D 26 quid for a fekking t-shirt?!? lol

quick Q mate is that you in toke n talk on the pic of yaself thread with dst t-shirt? always imagined you as a old angry scot lol looking fresh in the pic lmao
Haha ah think we've sold about 1 eh them T-shirts. Thing is they were no cheapn to make. The printing on them was well pricey so 26 is actually under the normal resale value....believe it or not. Wait till you see the BB socks...15.99 a pair lol.
And nah man. That ain't me in the pic. My mates doing those T-shirts for our gangs 30th anniversary...the gang was called DST. Fitba casual scum, that was us back in the day.
There's pics and interviews with me on YouTube at the HTCC....I am far more fresh faced :)

Or search for Secret Cup Tenerife on YouTube.


Well-Known Member
That hotdogs looks nice DST top job....bit of naughty on a school night ay rambo haha its wank sitting there watching telly when it's all gone ain't it I've not had any of that for ages now just stoned 24/7....I'm not sure what to do with that kief I'm thinking of mixing it all up and tryna make a little temple ball either that or keep it how it is 20160426_171127.jpg

Don Gin and Ton

Well-Known Member
hahah fuckin ell, looks like something you'd find down the back of a bog lol my shit sparkles too but only if i eats the glitter.

nice amount man, how much you have to trim to get that dry sift?

I need to keep me bonce straight so am only doing the wreck at the weekend as I've a mate over from sweden and several functions to do. My pal phones this after and says we'll need enough for three days I'll cover it. I'll be back in hiding again monday wondering why i do it.


Well-Known Member
Enuf for 3 days ay haha you lot walking around like Tony Montana lmao be some hangover that like go big or go home ay....that's the sift off the glue about 9 oz to get that no extra work just trim about the same amount off the rest

Don Gin and Ton

Well-Known Member
I'm still in two minds but it'll probably end up being a Q to a half, running out would be fatal. one of the events is a wedding evening do aswell ffs it's going to be messy.

much sift you reckon's there?


Well-Known Member
Yeh running out would be killer you'd be phoning around like mad heads lol..I've about 6g it's all nice n clean tho got it jarred up and sitting in the fridge

Don Gin and Ton

Well-Known Member
By the third day I reckon we'll struggle to get it up our beaks man. I'm going to try and not kick the arse out of it. Famous last words...

6g eh, you gonna process it or smoke asnit is?