The UK Growers Thread!

yes, it works fine but at the end of the day you save on lecy bill and give the plants less light.

so you have less weed but more money to spend on weed later, if this makes sense.
It makes perfect sense and I figured as much,just wanted to hear from people with experience.
It makes perfect sense and I figured as much,just wanted to hear from people with experience.
18/6 has been optimized from all the weed geeks who do the light test and breeders etc

6/18 just saves on electric that's all so you can spend more on weed or save for the next lecy grow, either way what you save will go back in you lunges or grow loI

It just saves money which can be handy when you have a crack hoe of a gf :)
I think I will go 12/12,fuck it's never done me wrong yet.
I was more curious how much yield you do actually lose,I heard something like 25%.
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sorry but that's just daft. 6 hours light = less weed than 12 hours, so you can spend more on weed. also ditch the crack hoe, double the weed to smoke.
Have you had hands on experience with 6hrs vs 12 on?
What was the difference in yield?
I think there are heavy strains that could do well in that light regime.
no but simple botany and a bit of physics would point to it being no where near as productive as 12/12. I've messed about with 10/14 to finish faster but any more just seems a wasted opportunity in terms of end weight.

I think the logic of a heavy producer doing well in that is flawed. why would it perform better than a normal photo period strain?
I think the logic of a heavy producer doing well in that is flawed.
I've seen good producers in the corner of gardens and shaded out by other plants and still produce very well,on the other hand there's the plants that need to be blasted with a lot of light to produce very little to medium yields.
I was hoping to have a reasonable discussion with people that have actual experience.
You seem hostile,maybe you're having a bad day/night? maybe I'm too high?IDK?
why would it perform better than a normal photo period strain?
This doesn't make sense,again maybe I'm too high...
not being hostile. well no more than usual.

I just can't see your logic. all i'm trying to get at is why would a plant perform better if you deprive it of something. just doesn't add up in my head man.

plants round the edge of a garden on 12/12 is no real comparison to plants on 6 hours of light be they direct or at the edge of the garden.
no but simple botany and a bit of physics would point to it being no where near as productive as 12/12. I've messed about with 10/14 to finish faster but any more just seems a wasted opportunity in terms of end weight.

I think the logic of a heavy producer doing well in that is flawed. why would it perform better than a normal photo period strain?
Noobs don't understand botany let alone simple botany