The UK Growers Thread!

Chuffing hell it's been time since I've had a pill cudnt have one no more man come down are to bad or mite be me lol

You get come downs with pub food shite, with proper molly there shouldn't be one.
Unless you go daft and eat loads.

How Oscar doesn't get em eating 0.7-1g of pure MDMA per session I'll never know, the lad's a monster. :lol:
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I'm going bk ten yrs man my normal Friday night was buying 10 pills for 20 quid and I'd munch the lot over the night and be fucked all day Saturdays but started on wizz then them can't do nowt now just me smoke and the odd beer of a night time. Oh have the odd sniff now and then.
I did a full orange owl (250mg) and a few cans of Red Stripe at an oldschool warehouse party a few weeks ago and messed myself up proper.

Rob Tissera tried to strike up a convo with me but ended up just taking the piss and laughing his cock off, some bird tried chatting me up and I just stared at her and gurned till she walked away then later I got thrown out at 4:30 am for throwing up on the dance floor (4 times apparently). :clap:

Needless to say I don't remember a thing cos I was fully rekt, my pal told me the tale after we got home.

I missed Altern-8 and Mark Archer's set completely (and he smashed it, belting set by all accounts), a good 4 hours wiped from my memory.

Was fucking gutted!
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I don't drink alcohol when I do E's now. That why I don't get comedowns. I did four last night but they weren't that special strength wise but very clean. Felt fine all day and went to sleep as soon as my head hit the pillow but xanax helps with that.
Yeah those Orange Owls were pretty strong I only managed to get through three of those and I was tripping like fuck.
The red Levi's are the best ones I've had for a bit. I'll get some more of this week. Partyflocknl is where I got them. They are pretty cheap from them too. I've got a black domino as a freebie but I've yet to do it. I need some more test kits.
Overall EC and ratios, not ml per litre ffs.

Reading science papers and using near on separate nutes you should know better.

I'm on soil man I've a buffer pfft never tested that soil n it's her 5th run but this time I added some fresh canna soil...syringes are enough for my notes so when I run em again I know what's needed b4 the plant shows bar that wind burn/calmag issue but no problems with the gg4 on the fat left out the fans way so I dunno man might rip off the slightly damaged leafs to see what it is n the pointing of the fan was mid section aswell fffs I just wanna hit her sweet spot early ffs all me notes are in ml per ltr
Overall EC and ratios, not ml per litre ffs.

Reading science papers and using near on separate nutes you should know better.

I'm honestly dissapointed in this hrow...My nute brand recccomendat ions for base nutes for veg n bloom preferably synthetic
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I don't drink alcohol when I do E's now.

I think I should lay off the booze and give it another go.

Both the last 2 times I've done some proper tabs on top of booze I've lost my memory and could have got into bother.

That time I've just mentioned at the warehouse party and months ago I did a Silver Bar at home on vodka.

Both times I blacked out.

It's either the booze on top or past a certain dose is my personal trigger.

My pal was fine on just water and a full owl so yeah, it needs seeing to.

It's the warehouse's 5th birthday party in March so we're going again to make up for it.
You get come downs with pub food shite, with proper molly there shouldn't be one.
Unless you go daft and eat loads.

How Oscar doesn't get em eating 0.7-1g of pure MDMA per session I'll never know, the lad's a monster. :lol:

Not having done pills for years, my mates at work were talking about mdma.

Felling like I'd missed out I ordered a gram off net

Then took the gram (no idea why I thought a g was a suitable single measure)

Can't remember about 6 hours of that night, if I do it again...portion control
Not having done pills for years, my mates at work were talking about mdma.

Felling like I'd missed out I ordered a gram off net

Then took the gram (no idea why I thought a g was a suitable single measure)

Can't remember about 6 hours of that night, if I do it again...portion control
I've done crystal a couple of times when I was gifted it. I did buy a gram but I only had it when I was already on pills.
These new (to me) pills are real nice. I think it's because you can test them yourself so the makers have do it right or no one will buy them