The UK Growers Thread!

She's definitely sat dom so ur looking at 12 weeks or so but it'll be great,give em time up ur feed till the plants tell u it's enough,feed to the end (wankers flush) n use ur pk maybe week 8 but this is all my imo I'm sure someone will correct me
And y not flush I'm using that shogun stuff
That's a great plant man see what lighting makes, you'll get nice buds on her yet they fatten at the end
She's a good one but ya no iv was going through the seeds iv got left and can I remember what they are can a fuck lol but smells lovely. So up the others feed then do ya think. The two plants ain't the same strain
I'm usein all shogun nutes dude and I'll not go over the top lol and iv took a few of but I was thinking they look ok I'll no for next lot I do and thank you for everyone's help much appreciated
Looks well nourished to me
So now the recycled soil pill head thinks a few iffy leaves needs massive intervention
You said she was well nourishes n I simply showed u wrong so yeah ur wrong u wine guzzling swine.i was giving the kid advice since he was being ignored n u used to upsell ripen like a mother fucker I used it till chop and I asked a mate n he said no metallic taste n he uses it on his crop n out of about 20 oz not one complaint of metallic taste.
So now the recycled soil pill head thinks a few iffy leaves needs massive intervention
And what was the massive intervention, the advice perhaps? I pop pill then I stop for a but ur on the top shelf the whole fucking time or wine well the apparent fancy bottles we've yet to see a pic, not even of a fucking bottle
Handbags at 10 paces lol!

You pop hundreds of pills for months on end lax amd then stop ffs, and yeah zeddd likes a tipple....What's the problem, we all got out things l, each to ther own
Next time I'll taper with d5 but the d10 was the worst ever but I've always done it just straight out quit or take a break in months ain't don't pure mama coke speed anything like that just the xans