The UK Growers Thread!

Heres a quote explaining it better

Decarboxylation is simply “a chemical reaction that removes a carboxyl group and releases carbon dioxide (CO2)” [wiki]. When it comes to marijuana, decarboxylation effectively removes the COOH group from the THC-A molecule by releasing H2O (water) an CO2 (carbon dioxide), turning it into the psychoactive THC.
Always decarb before making edibles itll decarb in the oven just cover it in tonfoil for a little bit till it looks a bit like tobacco but dont open it straight away leave her set then wrap it in a cheese cloth n since thc binds best to fat use butter or coconut oil add the material in a Crock pot on low heat for 8 or so hours then squeeze the cloth to get evwrything out I personally add a vanilla pod when thes cookong so it tasts better then pour ir into a container n you got potent canna butter. U can buy those pre mixed cakes,id aiggest aomething with a atrong tone like lemon drizzle or qhayever u like.
I personally make cookies
That my friend means nothing at all to me man lol that's some next level shit to me dude I'll not ask ya to explain as I bet ya wud be here for weeks lol

Hope the simplified quote will help im horrible at explaining things as I assocoate things with images like the COOH I call the choo choo train
Wow me heads falling of with the info man haha but I do appreciate it. Will YouTube have any vids on it. And iv not got to baking with it yet. I want to make some hash iv got me silk screen. Just need to put it in to practice.
Wow me heads falling of with the info man haha but I do appreciate it. Will YouTube have any vids on it. And iv not got to baking with it yet. I want to make some hash iv got me silk screen. Just need to put it in to practice.
Yeah youtube will help n when ur really passionate about somwthing youll learn it faster
When we die we release Dmt in floods, it's going to feel like a spiritual experience even if it's only drugs

yeah, my mate point blank refuses to try DMT as he doesn't want life's finale' ruined.

When i say 'im not spiritual' im basically saying i apply the scientific method to life.

I require evidence.

When I've tripped out, it's drug induced, so there's the goto debunk of any spirituality i may 'sense'

...but a greater understanding of quantum physics has left me open to ANYTHING

We don't even know what reality is ffs.

OUR perceived reality is totally dependent on our senses...and our senses can be manipulated and are products of our environment.

They are inadequate for any other reality or many other environments.

We can't sense the high energy sub atomic particles streaming through us right now.

So a universal consciousness? I'm a recent convert but I'm on board.

Is that spirituality?
yeah, my mate point blank refuses to try DMT as he doesn't want life's finale' ruined.

When i say 'im not spiritual' im basically saying i apply the scientific method to life.

I require evidence.

When I've tripped out, it's drug induced, so there's the goto debunk of any spirituality i may 'sense'

...but a greater understanding of quantum physics has left me open to ANYTHING

We don't even know what reality is ffs.

OUR perceived reality is totally dependent on our senses...and our senses can be manipulated and are products of our environment.

They are inadequate for any other reality or many other environments.

We can't sense the high energy sub atomic particles streaming through us right now.

So a universal consciousness? I'm a recent convert but I'm on board.

Is that spirituality?
Yes and drug taking, ayahuasca will probably change your mind, dmt is fuk all compared to Aya that stuff really shifts you.