The UK Growers Thread!

Well the seeds have come time to crack them and get them in the tent. This is the best stuff iv done and forgot the fucking strain and they was freebies and lost track ffs and the smell iv not smelt b4. It's all in tubs now
They could of gone a week or so longer to fatten up did u use any pk?
Id of gone longer n dont flush dude no wonder they didnt fayten up u washed out all the nutrients
Really don't flush. But won't that make the bud taste funny cuz my last lot I was sure it tasted funny cuz I only did one week flush. And I'll do that this time with the pk. And I was using that sugar rush stuff not sure what it's done to be honest but I started using late on. And this is for me only this time as iv been set bk ain't got not in veg this time so starting agen
No,flushing is a myth. A good curing with regular burping os how u produce tasty weed but let em dry a bit more 75+ humidity u may get mold so I keep caliber hydrometers in my 2ltr Killen jars n once it gets to 55 % she can be left cure
.just burp the jars daily for a few mins youll know when to jar when the branches nearly crack but some wait till they crack but ive my hydrometers so I get my shit down.
Another tip is squeeze the buds before jaring should be half dry like dry on the outside but still some moisture then the burping releases the oxygen and also it decarboxylates the buds so they get more potent n amell increased. I always keep a jar or 3 curinf n the difference is amazing
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No,flushing is a myth. A good curing with regular burping os how u produce tasty weed but lwt em dry a bit more 765+ humidity u may get mold so I keep caliber hydrometers in my 2ltr Killen jars n omce it gets to 55 % she can be left cure
There crisp dry man stocks snap like they should and ya don't need a grinder just crumbles
Thats probably why it didnt taste so good last time u dried em 2 fast I keep em in a tent for about 7 days with a fan for circulation then dry trim over a black bag so I can collect the sugar leafs n trics for later use n I pull the fan leafs off when they're hanging in the tent to save me time.
See this is where all growers are different I personally strip the fans while the plant is still in the pot then make my cuts individually trimming as I go along 1 bag for fan leaves and general crap 1 bag for sugar leaves and trim and wire to hang trimmed buds in the tent with the filter on for 7 days then trim the buds off the stalks and final dry them on stackable nets till they're dry enough for the plastic bucket then they'll get burped every 12 hours or so
They been drying for 12 days and I'm not selling so will do for me and iv got the trim saved for hash when I get time. Last lot wasn't dried to quick either. Doesn't smell like freshly cut grass smells sweet. Fuck I wish u lads cud smell it u wud no what I'm on about an I'm not trying to say I no shit loads cuz I really don't. I don't really get y ppl cure it it's not something iv looked in to so ye I'm still a newbie in that respect. But it's only me 5th run so still learning as I go. And I appreciate ur comments. Whether gd or bad
Ok, whwn the plant grows it has very little thc, its in the form of thca so in order to convert it you need to decarboxylate it tovmake her psychoactive this can be donebvia sparking her up or oxygenation via burping so slowly the thca turns into more thc so ur weed will be stronger. U got a nice stash anyways so fuck it whats done is done
Ok, whwn the plant grows it has very little thc, its in the form of thca so in order to convert it you need to decarboxylate it tovmake her psychoactive this can be donebvia sparking her up or oxygenation via burping so slowly the thca turns into more thc so ur weed will be stronger. U got a nice stash anyways so fuck it whats done is done
Thanks dude.