The UK Growers Thread!


Well-Known Member
I'm dangling Parabollox shades over the lady's this run , I'm v happy with them ,yes sir indeed. Lots of spread, nice & cool under them , I was v supprised how cool they keep :) . I'm all organic this run too, biobizz allmix, & there nute line, but no heaven. The Glue's loving it :)
That's what's always put me off them incase they trap the heat

Can see it working out nice for you then baz if heats no issue

In time for Christmas then?
Got mine in just in time by the skin of mi teeth man lol


Well-Known Member
I'm dangling Parabollox shades over the lady's this run , I'm v happy with them ,yes sir indeed. Lots of spread, nice & cool under them , I was v supprised how cool they keep :) . I'm all organic this run too, biobizz allmix, & there nute line, but no heaven. The Glue's loving it :)
I used biobizz for ages before I switched to nft. The flavour you get from it is real nice but once I went to nft I couldn't go back because of the yield. It wasn't quite double but not far off. The plants looked prettier in organic somehow. Really dark green and shiny leaves. I fucked it off after a dose of fungus gnats that went undiagnosed until it was too late. The harvest was easy though because all the leaves had fallen off lol


Well-Known Member
No heat issues makka, I was v surprised my self to see how cool they keep, there in a 10 x 12 ft room, 3 of em , 1m vertical
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Well-Known Member
Biobizz n there nutes deffo some of the nicest tasting weed you can grow, even coco kicks its arse on yield mind and flavour still pretty good with coco.

Carnt match hydro yields of course but tasted many peoples hydro near all in here of course and it taste crap compared, but when your donating near all that green who gives a fuck if its going for the same, and people dont generally smoke before they buy they look and smell and hydro still looks n smells good just taste like shit compared to biobizz or even coco imo


Well-Known Member
Biobizz n there nutes deffo some of the nicest tasting weed you can grow, even coco kicks its arse on yield mind and flavour still pretty good with coco.

Carnt match hydro yields of course but tasted many peoples hydro near all in here of course and it taste crap compared, but when your donating near all that green who gives a fuck if its going for the same, and people dont generally smoke before they buy they look and smell and hydro still looks n smells good just taste like shit compared to biobizz or even coco imo
I think hydro buds look good. Big with massive calyxs. I've had exo in nft looking like big bunches of frozen broad beans lol
The size of 500ml coke bottles when dry and rock hard too. I don't think it tastes bad. It's just bland and missing a certain something. Livers still stunk like fuck but lacked that zing you get with biobizz


Well-Known Member
I read you talking about how long folk have been in RIU and checked when I joined. It was January 09 so that's almost nine years ffs
I've only been posting in this thread for about a year though. I'm not sure why I never used to.


Well-Known Member
I read you talking about how long folk have been in RIU and checked when I joined. It was January 09 so that's almost nine years ffs
I've only been posting in this thread for about a year though. I'm not sure why I never used to.
Also some have been here longer than their current name suggests. Some have changed their name for good reason so checking their join date doesn't always mean too much.


Well-Known Member
This is my first all organic grow, thought I'd try before going back on the Alien . I'd like to get a genuine Psychosis back , haven't had that in years :)


Well-Known Member
@ Osca, I probably chat to a few on here who I've chatted with years ago, but I can't remember who they were / are lol, & they change names so that don't help ( scrambo ) ! .I Defo remember the "good guys" though, Trust is a big part of getting on in this game & plenty of cunts willing to cut ya down !.


Well-Known Member
Westy, Don, DST, Sambo (newuserlol, scrambo, rambo etc), rasclot, las fingerez, ghb, welsh wizz, green jambo, mared jawen and a few others that I can't remember right now.
I know there's a few that I know have changed their names but I don't know who's who anymore lol
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Well-Known Member
@ Osca, I probably chat to a few on here who I've chatted with years ago, but I can't remember who they were / are lol, & they change names so that don't help ( scrambo ) ! .I Defo remember the "good guys" though, Trust is a big part of getting on in this game & plenty of cunts willing to cut ya down !.
Kidney stones? Do you piss them out?


Well-Known Member
Anyone take my advice to buy the btc when it was 4555/4800 whivh happened twice which I said it would now its over 6000 a btc lmao and this time I took me advice


Well-Known Member
This is my first all organic grow, thought I'd try before going back on the Alien . I'd like to get a genuine Psychosis back , haven't had that in years :)
If you get a psychosis baz let me know, not to grow but I'd love a bit to smoke

Anyone on here still have it? I asked a while back but cany remember


Well-Known Member
Carnt deny its the better of the two to smoke when i grew it dunno bout your hydro jobbys lol

but most out there have not a clue between the 2 and both just get called cheese, yet the pyscho takes longer in flower
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