The UK Growers Thread!

Sup guys, got 6 autos on the go 3 Pineapple Express and 3 Sweet mango, going good so far but worries about the space I have them in, has anyone grown these before? And if so how big did they get
Pineapple Express done loads in my journal ,ya can see it week by week,grows a decent size,Bud is A grade.Love the stuff .The oil from it is some of the best i have had
Howdy mg

Sorry I didn't reply to that pm months ago rude fucker I no, just aint on here all that much now days don't think many peeps are tbh

How's you been? Ya back growing yet?

Forgot all about it tbh m8. Naw not growing, suspended is up in April so we'll so how things go then, might get back at it
Fucking el ark at us all on the straight n narrow kinda lol feels weird lol

When I think of some of my more memorable rants in the forum makes me fucking
Social media dealing is huge now hay. I still keep up to date with the darknet tho but apart from viagrra etc aint ordered of it for a long time.

Haven't been on the darknwt myself. Got hooked up with a guy recently on a messaging app, seems all good so far. Had a bit of geltao 41, was different but nice
Aye it was nice m8, was a funny taste to start with. Read there's a lavender taste of it and I thinks that's what it was, different but nice I thot.