The UK Growers Thread!

Don Gin and Ton

Well-Known Member
Afternoon all, out of interest what is EWC? keep seeing people mention it

Also got some leaf yellowing on my QQxLivers, is it n or calmag def when the whole leaf goes yellow? Been so long since i grew last am struggling to remember lol
if it's yellowing from the arse up it's likely overwatering if not what are your feeds like?


Well-Known Member
if it's yellowing from the arse up it's likely overwatering if not what are your feeds like?
@robbiep, nothing on that picture mate, already looked at that lol

@DGT, they have been fed about twice a week on some cheap generic plant food from wilkos as when i pulled my canna A+B out the cupboard the A bottle is half full n B bottle is completely empty since i moved from the house lol so need to buy some more when i get some money, and as always am letting the pot get fairly light before watering an they have been getting about 4L of water or feed per time n they are about2-2.5ft tall, bout 7(ish) weeks from seed in 15L square pots, I only water till i start seeing some run-off


Well-Known Member
@robbiep, nothing on that picture mate, already looked at that lol

@DGT, they have been fed about twice a week on some cheap generic plant food from wilkos as when i pulled my canna A+B out the cupboard the A bottle is half full n B bottle is completely empty since i moved from the house lol so need to buy some more when i get some money, and as always am letting the pot get fairly light before watering an they have been getting about 4L of water or feed per time n they are about2-2.5ft tall, bout 7(ish) weeks from seed in 15L square pots, I only water till i start seeing some run-off

Try some epsom salts , 1 tea spoon per litre .... best to use boiling water so the crystals dilute then let it cool and feed ... epsom salts are cheap as fuck at boots if you dont have any about

Don Gin and Ton

Well-Known Member
@robbiep, nothing on that picture mate, already looked at that lol

@DGT, they have been fed about twice a week on some cheap generic plant food from wilkos as when i pulled my canna A+B out the cupboard the A bottle is half full n B bottle is completely empty since i moved from the house lol so need to buy some more when i get some money, and as always am letting the pot get fairly light before watering an they have been getting about 4L of water or feed per time n they are about2-2.5ft tall, bout 7(ish) weeks from seed in 15L square pots, I only water till i start seeing some run-off
could quite well be missing something micro nute wise if it's BnQ rose feed or whatever.


Well-Known Member
[Aslo jus looked at the bottle n its N-P-K 3.5-3.5-3.5 if that helps, also got some tomato food here that is lower in N but dont think that will help here lol


Well-Known Member


Well-Known Member
that would be my 1st bet but without pics its hard to tell man , i dont think epsom salts will hurt eithor way tbf ...
ok will grab a pic, dont see why i di9dnt do that earlier, wlda been a lot fucking simpler lmao, think that MD is still messing wiv my head a bit lol, had to stop meself jawing out earlier n all lol