The UK Growers Thread!


Well-Known Member
welsh ther all shit,bn ema nd start agania

lok 9-11 was abot all bush did it, hes nuts, end of story i havent read wtf ur on about but i have my own very strong views on this, it maybe a wellw orthly debate, il go post a 9-11 FAC/myth discussion thread

MY GOD im MULLERED, pregabs,vallies, dfs. OHHHH yeh woke up in chair drooling and hangingover the edge n that...... shiyyyyyat no subbies tho.............

@Saerimmner email brother.

hey lads,anyone got bit of clones spare i can graft of ya,,, il pay for it like with PP or watver.


Well-Known Member
you think wer gunna be courtiours after you tyurned and got in the the other "good ole boys?"

I dont even get what shit your talking about. Dont bother though. You got nothing of interest to me jus bag of shit!!



Well-Known Member
I dont even get what shit your talking about. Dont bother though. You got nothing of interest to me jus bag of shit!!

ya what blad? iz you talkin shit to me n ting? yablad rasclart



dude your a joke, go over to the joke thread, ur now in ignore so fuk-off

Wish i was mullered mate lol
yeh mate im mullered and just thrown summor vallis down me kneck

fuuuuukkkeeed,been a while


Well-Known Member
So you would dismiss scientific fact for your own opinion no matter how deluded?
It's not just my own opinion.
It's millions of words of expert testimony, offered in the open courts of the worlds most open societies
or the highly selective renderings of a few conspiracy theorists.

No one who understands the checks and balances of western democracies believes that a conspiracy of this size could ever remain secret.
It's not the way the world works. It's not the way that individuals work.

I'm not saying that our systems are perfect
but they are a lot more honest than these nightmare conspiracies would need to take place.

An that really is my last word on 9/11.
I know enough internet conspiracy theorists to understand they need to feel they are one of the few in possession of the truth.
Everyone else are mugs.


Well-Known Member
For all the coffee drinkers is Jamaican blue Mountain nice?Shits pricy but if it's fucking delicious I'll save it for once a month or something lol.


Well-Known Member
Morning slags on the way to a safety day today should be fun.....not a coffee drinker mate love the smell of it just tastes mingin lol Yorkshire tea all the way for me....had to pull one of the smaller weaker ladies out as its too crammed in there and don't wanna end up with scraggle..I wanna plant it in garden but fuck that malarky she's going in compost bin tonight!!!......not unless anyone wants to come pick it up???


Well-Known Member
welsh ther all shit,bn ema nd start agania

lok 9-11 was abot all bush did it, hes nuts, end of story i havent read wtf ur on about but i have my own very strong views on this, it maybe a wellw orthly debate, il go post a 9-11 FAC/myth discussion thread

MY GOD im MULLERED, pregabs,vallies, dfs. OHHHH yeh woke up in chair drooling and hangingover the edge n that...... shiyyyyyat no subbies tho.............

@Saerimmner email brother.

hey lads,anyone got bit of clones spare i can graft of ya,,, il pay for it like with PP or watver.
Haha yeah gonna bin em all today