The UK Growers Thread!


Well-Known Member
The bottle says - 4ml per litre during all weeks of vegatative growth... What dose of nutes would you suggest?...
Something like 2ml/L for the first feed, then 3ml foor the 2nd a few days later than bump it upto the full 4ml/L within a week or so, you dont want to cause even more damage to the plant by suddenly giving it a huge amount of something different so ease the feed in gently


Something like 2ml/L for the first feed, then 3ml foor the 2nd a few days later than bump it upto the full 4ml/L within a week or so, you dont want to cause even more damage to the plant by suddenly giving it a huge amount of something different so ease the feed in gently
Awesome... I'll give it ago :D Thank you :D

The Yorkshireman

Well-Known Member
I put a third of a ltr into my 200ltr res, change every 10 days ish
So @ £20 per litre that's an extra £60 ish per 9 week flower that you're pouring down the drain mate.

You'd do yourself a favour by not buying piss weak snake oil, putting that money into the leccy and chucking another bulb in.

I haven't even spent 60 quid on my entire nute range over the last two years.

The Yorkshireman

Well-Known Member
amazing how convincing utter bollox can sound when its said with conviction lol
Much like this Terpinator bollocks mate but look how much of that has been lapped up lately. ;)

Utter bollocks often goes hand in hand with the mind blowing predictability that is consumerism and it's tunnel vision.

Hence phrases like "Would you buy a used car from this man?" and "Sell snow to the Eskimo".


Well-Known Member
hi guys hows it going should be getting some more ssh cuttings later this week and got that ice dream in the tent so hopefully when i get the ssh they will be about the same size the only prob i ordered 5 ssh be4 i popped my seed so ill have 6 do u think 6 will be ok in a 1.2 or just veg them and drop the weakest one and just have the 5

Don Gin and Ton

Well-Known Member
all this grow talk i thought i'd got the wrong thread.

Mornings all, anyone having bother getting on agora? Rambo did you get your order in eventually I mind on the vendor returned your coins or something saying agora was about to go south. hope i've not just made a mistake...

Don Gin and Ton

Well-Known Member
how do yorkie,

aye yeah. 'normal' dose 130mg they're canny. funnily enough what i've just ordered. I've still got a few purple batteries kicking about too.


Well-Known Member
all this grow talk i thought i'd got the wrong thread.

Mornings all, anyone having bother getting on agora? Rambo did you get your order in eventually I mind on the vendor returned your coins or something saying agora was about to go south. hope i've not just made a mistake...
yeah i got all my orders in and received, i noticed its down again tho.

agora has a fair amount of ''downtime'' some say its moving servers? keeping up security etc, some that they do it on purpose in order to not be the biggest site out there and in turn not get all the heat.

fuck knows but it regulary go's down mate and they very really if ever give any prior warning, i wouldnt worry to much, but yeah a spanish hash vendor did cancel my order and send me a message saying agora was due to be raided any day, he also went into great detail on how to order of him at evolution, plus it was on the back of another 24hr of agora being down i think it was just shite tbh mate.

Don Gin and Ton

Well-Known Member
there's a red version out too. and red UPS from the same dutch crew. you looking for a batch of clog dancers then haha.

If I was you I'd get the 200's and bash em on at 10+ not that i'd know anything about that sort of thing mind.

The Yorkshireman

Well-Known Member
Aye It's been too long since I've cut a rug. lol

Can't get 10's for em mate, not when grams of Molly go for 35 quid.

I'd be maybe looking at 2 for 15 but then the profit margin is better on the 130-160's for 5 a pop not to mention better value for money where the punter's concerned.

Don Gin and Ton

Well-Known Member
is that mandy off the darknet like? I can get that cheap locally but have to buy ounces. if there's folks shotting that local why bother selling tabs. if not then the 130's for a pearl diver are the best bet.