The UK Growers Thread!


Well-Known Member
yeeeehaaa, thats mine cropped, dried(enuff to sell!!) and baged , 23oz from 6 plants, old school organic, 6 fuckin oz from an la woman that was 3 foot tall, oh yes im a fuckin happy bunny....and i got an oz of speed from my associate to pass around for free, and from where i'm sittin i can see down my girls sisters top, nice titties!!!!!!!!!!!


Well-Known Member
oh and tip top can i be education secratery next, means i get to hang around schools without gettin me colar felt


Active Member
yeeeehaaa, thats mine cropped, dried(enuff to sell!!) and baged , 23oz from 6 plants, old school organic, 6 fuckin oz from an la woman that was 3 foot tall, oh yes im a fuckin happy bunny....and i got an oz of speed from my associate to pass around for free, and from where i'm sittin i can see down my girls sisters top, nice titties!!!!!!!!!!!

23Oz, Oz of speed n ur G/F's sisters tits, might be fuckin freezin mate but the sun is def shining on you today.

Happy Days


Well-Known Member
ive got the same tent dragon but i threw an extra 400 hps in, i started with 6 plants but i had to move one out,it was hermieing(or so i thought)but to be honest 6 was too many , 5 was a much better number and i think my end amount reflected it, good size tent though, my mate got the 1 mtre square one and 4 plants are a bit of a push in it.


Well-Known Member
yes sm4rt3 its a very happy day, the biggest shock was the la woman though, i never expected anything above 20 oz in total and only 3 at a push fro the la woman but fuckin 6!! the 'church' smells fuckin outstanding though, its rich almost sickly when sorting it but when its on fire it coats the whole room in a solid blanket of future mupetness......oh and celtic got humped by kilmarnock after signing robbie keane hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahhahahahahahahahahahaha

tip top toker

Well-Known Member
oh and tip top can i be education secratery next, means i get to hang around schools without gettin me colar felt
That's what I love about these high school girls, man. I get older, they stay the same age. ;)

i'm sure something can be arranged. fuck all this sex offender everyoneshouldknowwhohowwhy bolllocks!

we're gonna have to errect some kind of party here :D who calls dibs on secretary on health? :P let's mix up the treatments :weed:


Active Member
That's what I love about these high school girls, man. I get older, they stay the same age. ;)

i'm sure something can be arranged. fuck all this sex offender everyoneshouldknowwhohowwhy bolllocks!

we're gonna have to errect some kind of party here :D who calls dibs on secretary on health? :P let's mix up the treatments :weed:

I wouldnt say no to the secretary of health, few things i can think of that would make that job fuckin awesome lol... i'll leave the secretary of horticulture position to the people in the know.

W Dragon

Well-Known Member
ive got the same tent dragon but i threw an extra 400 hps in, i started with 6 plants but i had to move one out,it was hermieing(or so i thought)but to be honest 6 was too many , 5 was a much better number and i think my end amount reflected it, good size tent though, my mate got the 1 mtre square one and 4 plants are a bit of a push in it.
i,ve got to be fair mate i do like it the only problem i find with it is keeping the temps down i've got 2 fans 1 in and 1 out and still struggle the radiator in the room has been hit off and the window is open constant do you struggle with the heat aswell mate?


Well-Known Member
the party for the progressive pushing of pills, potions, perversions, prostitution,pantomine horses and people off cliffs. its a bit of a mouthful but thats the way my misses likes it(like she gets an option or opportunity to opine)


Active Member
the party for the progressive pushing of pills, potions, perversions, prostitution,pantomine horses and people off cliffs. its a bit of a mouthful but thats the way my misses likes it(like she gets an option or opportunity to opine)
The PPPPPPPPHPC or the 8PHPC, i think you are onto summat there Dura lol


Well-Known Member
i,ve got to be fair mate i do like it the only problem i find with it is keeping the temps down i've got 2 fans 1 in and 1 out and still struggle the radiator in the room has been hit off and the window is open constant do you struggle with the heat aswell mate?
no not at all , mines is in a room with the hot water tank and a radiator, although i do live in the hills of scotland(south ayrshire hills) ive only my extractor fan, (with carbon scrubber) a little clip on fan and an 8" ocillating one, i keep the window open but its easily the warmest room in the house. i did sumtimes open both windows and uv gotta remember this grow was thru a really heavy winter and where i live we're kinda used to pretty heavy snowfall and low temps any way, dunno what ist gaunna be like in the summer, mite have to really insulate the water tank and paint the room someting soft so that the heat diznt reflect too much onna tent or absorb too much and hold it, and maybe get another extractor just to pull the air about more, just have to wait n c.bongsmilie

tip top toker

Well-Known Member
the survey shows that the 8PHPC brand is in the lead! we can make some killer banners offa that :lol: *dozy rollly eyes hahaha* what's going on anymore?drinkkk (leadership is not a man down just incapacitadaeddd)

W Dragon

Well-Known Member
no not at all , mines is in a room with the hot water tank and a radiator, although i do live in the hills of scotland(south ayrshire hills) ive only my extractor fan, (with carbon scrubber) a little clip on fan and an 8" ocillating one, i keep the window open but its easily the warmest room in the house. i did sumtimes open both windows and uv gotta remember this grow was thru a really heavy winter and where i live we're kinda used to pretty heavy snowfall and low temps any way, dunno what ist gaunna be like in the summer, mite have to really insulate the water tank and paint the room someting soft so that the heat diznt reflect too much onna tent or absorb too much and hold it, and maybe get another extractor just to pull the air about more, just have to wait n c.bongsmilie
happy days mate im in s wales and whilst every1 down yer was moaning about the snow and cold i was loving it, i'm trying to convince the misses we need to move but she's not having any it she thinks a little grow in our house and a larger 1 (20 plants) at a family members house is enough, she's good as gold but just doesn't understand you can't have enough of a good thing :cry:


Active Member
it'd be nice to get into a party that didnt want me as dealer or a bouncer:eyesmoke:
lol, how about senior tester for new strains, job comes with a comfy couch, girl of your choice to roll your blunts and fill your bongs and an xbox 360 with all the latest games...

actually fuck that, thats the job i want lol