The UK Growers Thread!

W Dragon

Well-Known Member
dragon i wish i had a trade m8 but i aint so its jermey kyle n growin for me lolol

my cuzon works for courts tho thats a huge roofing company in london n ive seen that boy go from a little seedling into a monster fucking tree lololol i understand how phisical n demanding roofing can be! on top of the factd its 1 of the most dangerous jobs n you carnt get work in the winter for shit lol so i kinda understand how hard it is and big respect.

and yeah that oil looks nice hay lol can you imagine how strong that shit is especially after smokin the thc dust cause thats strong aswel but oil would be even stronger!
lol that's what i'm aiming for mate i want part retirement , and yeah it's a crazy schedule with the weather, unfortunately though mate for all hard work i just seem to be getting fatter lol cheers for the respect mate it is a dangerous job but hopefully in a couple of weeks mate that'll be the end of it all together including the cash work, how do you smoke it though mate the oil i mean lol i can't imagine you'd stick it in a burn?

W Dragon

Well-Known Member
right bedfordshire for me now!

gotta stop sayin that cause bedfordshire is far to close to me lolol

take it easy peoples, night all.

night-all lolol thats an over the counter sleeping tab lol not quite as good as 20mg of mogadon or tamazepam tho lmao!
take it easy mate lol


mate i wish i could get some nice bud where i am all thats here is shitty soapbar thats 65%plastic hence why im lookin to buy vire mail order
hey i been thinking of starting a grow of my own cos the shit im getting is exacly that........ shit !!
im thinking ill use a CFL set up i want to do it stealthy. wats my best way to get my self going i want to grow 2 or 3 plants at a time how much space will i need and how many lights and which am i best useing
1st time grower long time dreamer


Well-Known Member
mate i wish i could get some nice bud where i am all thats here is shitty soapbar thats 65%plastic hence why im lookin to buy vire mail order

ive done some research on the 2 and people are recieving what they order for NOW, these people dont generally hang around long tho n dont be suprised if you get ur first few orders then get ripped.

ive never ordered from them and never would but like i said people are receiving.


Well-Known Member
hey i been thinking of starting a grow of my own cos the shit im getting is exacly that........ shit !!
im thinking ill use a CFL set up i want to do it stealthy. wats my best way to get my self going i want to grow 2 or 3 plants at a time how much space will i need and how many lights and which am i best useing
1st time grower long time dreamer
how much you looking to spend on your setup m8?


Well-Known Member
as little as possible mate i just lost ma job too god dam resession bollox
yeah m8 this country is fucked right now so many are losing there jobs etc.

as for a setup well if ya a 1st timer soil is the way to go, and personally i would just get a 250hps or 400hps cause your get so much better weed n more of it with hps.

and also you can use the hps for veg n flower with cfls you would need the 2 bulbs red n blue a good cfl with both bulbs cost about £120ish where as a cheap 250hps will be 70-80ish.

then your gonna need good soil and nutes i carnt recommend bio-bizz all mix soil n there line of nutes more than enough they r very good n very forgiving for a beginner.

as for space well that all depends on how long you plan to veg them before flower?

there r other expenses but thats the basics lights/soil/nutes.
ive seen a few CFL grows done on here and CFL's seem to work great for the veg phase but maybe ill try the hps first
i think i could go to about a meter squared to start with maybe bigger when i get the hang of evry thing
wats the best way to get rid of the smell when i start the flowering them is there a way i could make something cheap my self
rather than spending loads on carbon filters and such
thank mate -Stoney


Well-Known Member
hi guys, just got a 250 hps last month, could you tell me does a 400 get much hotter cause i was thinking of getting 1 but ive only got 3ft height

tip top toker

Well-Known Member
i've a 6 foot by 2 fot by 8 foot cabinet with a big extraction fan and a cooltube for my 400w and it still get's toasty in the summer (85 sometimes upto 90 but rearely, being english summer)


Well-Known Member
ive seen a few CFL grows done on here and CFL's seem to work great for the veg phase but maybe ill try the hps first
i think i could go to about a meter squared to start with maybe bigger when i get the hang of evry thing
wats the best way to get rid of the smell when i start the flowering them is there a way i could make something cheap my self
rather than spending loads on carbon filters and such
thank mate -Stoney
i totally agree m8 bout the cfls for veg they are abit slower but seem to keep the plant much more bushy i love em for veg but thats it, imo they just aint strong enough for flower yeah people on hear r getting yields from them but they r fairly small yields n i doubt very much the bud is as strong as grown with hps.

dunno bout the smell stoney the only solutions i no of r expensive i.e carbon fliters or ozone generators, spose you could try plug-ins n n other smellys etc


Well-Known Member
hi guys, just got a 250 hps last month, could you tell me does a 400 get much hotter cause i was thinking of getting 1 but ive only got 3ft height
sorry m8 never had a 400 got a 250 tho n i love it for sidelighting they hardly giv off ne heat i got mine very close.


Well-Known Member
i've a 6 foot by 2 fot by 8 foot cabinet with a big extraction fan and a cooltube for my 400w and it still get's toasty in the summer (85 sometimes upto 90 but rearely, being english summer)
i think i will just add another 250 watt hps instead, time to retire my cfls.

mr west

Well-Known Member
for TTT, that vid was really gay and u have the cheek to call football gay lmfao ( no i dunt need it nailing back on neither lol)