Im new to all of this so i figured it would be best to get to know how people in the uk do it
I currently spend about £40 - £50 a week on some fairly nice stuff, usually the ' cheese or blueberry '.
All this spending is burning a pretty big hole in my pocket, i know it would be worth it if i bought an ounce or two at a time but im not looking to get caught anytime soon lol
With all this in mind i thought i might aswell try and grow my own plant!
I've accumilated loads of seeds over the past month or two which ill give a try.
The main reason i came here was to find out the specific information about growing the herbs we all love.
Everyone knows you need a light, soil & the nutrients, but i want the proper details & links to places were people buy there supplies from...
For example what lights best, how much im looking to have to spend to have a space big enough for a few plants ... 3 or 4
Thank you in advance
Hi Scarface

Welcome to RiU..and to the UKGT
If you want an idea of whats involved and what kind of cash and space you need for 3-4 plants ... Look no further than my journal
Link at the bottom of this post
The outlay for even a basic set up can run up pretty quick , You can improvise ( as many people do .... Brocky is the Kingshit at Ghetto Pikey Set up ..and i love his stuff

) Fact is ... Anyone can grow ... How much yeild and potency will be determined by how much Time , Effort and Cash you invest .
No one thing goes to makeing a good grow ...Its LOADS of diffrent eliments and you just need to get them all in the right combo .The thing is EVERYONE has a diffrent combo of whats right for them .... By reading up you will get YOUR combo of things that are right for you
My advice to any new grower is to do your homework first , Do the grow in your head befor you even crack a seed , Look at how best you can set your garden up so that you totaly control the enviroment and plan ahead .
When i first started i was looking to do it as cheap as i could ... And a mate told me " Your nutrient supply for the full grow is gonna be about £ 100 " .... Straight away i said " Fuck THAT ! " .... Totaly put me off , I just thougth that if i messed it up or decided growing is not for me it would be a total waste of money , Now it's a hobby and im HAPPY to spend money ( when i got it ) on getting new gear and improving and updateing stuff .
But logic says ...If i would have just saved ... and bought all i needed in one go ... set up right ... and got my garden dialed in ... I would have SAVED money and a lot of hassle
My Tip For A Good Cheap Hydro Shop Is Home Hydro ,We have an affiliation with them through our forum that gives a 10 % discount on top of the allready low prices .
Heres the link ... If you want to know more ... feel free to PM me
So bottom line .... Do your homework ( Yourself ) ...Plan ..... Save ...... Build .....Go For it !
Good Luck and again welcome to RiU