The UK Growers Thread!


Active Member
Nice root mass tiptop..thats Dwc for ya ,thats why us average gardeners like us can get decent yeilds...
Fast buds looking good petey ,looks like alot of undergrowth u may want to trim popcorn buds are a bitch when trimming..

Well ive just finished off the chopping block,very happy with the results.Got more than thought i would of ,I got 14.5ozs off the 4 plants, i have'nt chopped up the haze yet,hanging for one more day. Took a load of pics but cam started died on me just before i could get the final bud weight pics.
Big pic is 250 grams of cheese,3rd pic + bowl is what the scale shows

This is only 3 of the plants had another to chop before cam died on me, some hard and airy cheese buds real fluffy:smile: Total so far is 23.5 oz's got some bits in a box still drying not much plus 2 haze plants+ 1 cheese soil plant not very big though.Plant below is haze was supposed to leave another week.

nice yield bro! what do u mean about trimmin and the undergrowth bro and can you do that with autoflowers as they are funny f_ckin things lol?


Well-Known Member
hi can any1 help growing ducth passion durban posion outdoors dnt really no alot as this is my second grow just want to no when to cut it down as the weather is getting colder its been flowering now since start of august and only like 20% of the hairs are turning brown and looking at the wether its says frosts this weekend what shall i do ?????????

should be alright, a lot of weeds resist frost pretty well so long as it warms up a bit during the day, it's not winter yet :)

if your that para you could go to the extreme and dig em up repot and move em into a controlled environment.. greenhouse or indoors... obviously I can stand to be corrected I only got 3 outdoor clones planted last week...

a good way to protect from frost is put a fine mesh netting over them... I know this works with cabbages and stuff lol, not sure if its the same for tall plants XD

tip top toker

Well-Known Member
How long into flowering are those? (4/5 weeks?) They look great and looks like you should get some really good harvests from the two auto's :) (comparatively speaking of course, but those are a nice size! :))


yea the the 1 on left is 4/5 weeks into flower and the 1 on the right is 2 weeks behind in flower the sativa is 4/5 weeks in flower but thats on been on my window sill an im high up in block of flats. wouldnt mind getiin a decent yeild is my 1st proper grow. im lookin to take down the older auto in like 3 wks because my son is due in 2 wks an the mid wife will be round my gaf to check on the baby an the younger auto has got kind of a skunky smell so ive got hide em around my gaf an spray house out
What would you say is the best way to grow?
Hydroponics, Aeroponics, Plain old soil or DWC type hydroponics?
Got everything except what type of system im gonna be putting my baby in :\

Edit: Also, what strains create less smells as im having a few family members around soon
So i gotta keep my house from smelling like herbs lol


i like soil but it has the more of the bug drama im hearing hydro you yield more but if your used to soil stick with soil ive heard good fings about the wilma systems and the water farms though
Ok thanks for the fast reply :D
It's just i see that pic a few replys up of that huge plant thats more like a tree!
I want my plants to be like that so i'm thinking of changing from soil to hydroponics maybe.
Growing is more of a hobby to me, aslong as i get 1 joint from a plant i'm happy...
Well not completly happy, i'd be quite mad but still you know what i mean xD
I would just love to have a huge plant at the back though for everyone to just stare at lol


look up waterfarms i hear they make monster plants or look up on google about how to make a homemade dwc quite cheap. but you can get massive plants in soil just the bigger size pot you use the bigger the plant will be it also depends on the strain and how long you veg for

tip top toker

Well-Known Member
From experience (i've grown soil, then coco, then hydro, all in search of perfection) start in soil or coco. While hydro is just as "easy" as soil/coco, it is nowhere near as forgiving. You need to know what is happening as it happenings, you can't be waiting for forum replies etc. in a solid medium i've lost 2 plants. 1 because it was my first grow and i had a stupid 2 prong shit ph meter, and the second because i forgot about it, in hydro, i've lost about 8 so far through simply not being there to give it what it needed. I've left for work having seen a healthy clone, i've come back to find a dead floppy thing. Don't even get me started on starting seeds in rockwool vs soil. I've actually resorted to germinating and growing seeds up in coco and then cloning them off for hydro. I've lost 3 seeds in a row to rockwool, 0 to soil/coco


Active Member
cheers eazy brock you alright geez hows your ladys?
yea im safe man.

2 of my plants died, iv got 1 in soil that has been 3cm tall for 24 days =S, iv just started a small aerosystem just waiting for it to sprout out the sponge and my back up plant will be ready in 2 weeks