The UK Growers Thread!

tip top toker

Well-Known Member

Cheese is not doing so great, think she's still a bit confused, either way she's cocked my perpetual again :D de-riveted a pc case last night so that's read to be tarted up with aluminium and can house a pair of small mothers.

dr green dre

Well-Known Member
Very nice haul! What's it looking to weigh in at?
very nice, alot of trims...... hash time?

Thanks lads im not sure what it'll wiegh i guess around 10z..Im looking to make some solids(hash) or canna butter and make some of them "cheese cakes" or both if theres enough.

TTT>>I know the feeling bro i had another 4 bubblers lined up for the perp and 2 started arsing around knocked that on the had cause of it.Still im on a 2mth harvest at the mo hope.

Rough & smooth we got it all down here!! From villains to blue nose's... My City does it the best :)


Active Member
Come on fellow uk people were is the love ha ha.Im in need of some help with the ecotechnics temp and humidity controller any replies would be greatly appreciated.Im running 2 600w lights on a light mover in a 2.4m (length) 1.2m (width) 1.2m (height) tent with a 150 intake and 200 outake fans with this controller.I have set it up as instructed and set the desired temp at 25 deg and humidity at 40% as plants are in flower but the temps are hitting high 27s an humidity 30% which is not what i want as i brought this unit 2 get optimum conditions along with the co2 controller which isnt being used untill next grow.This equipment cost a few quid which now seems like a waste of money.PLEASE help, thanks in advance for any replies
hey bro -try a tray of water in there and open a window reg


Active Member
trimed some more leaves off the plant lastnight to give the lower leaves abit more light, noticed that a couple of buds have popped out :) the count down is on.
can anyone recomend a good hydro shop in glasgoww ? looking to get a nice wee cheap 400 or 600w hps light to start with but quite para about walkin aboot the town with a grow light haha , and quite para about gettin one delived incase anyone in my flat or my bastard neighbours see it they would have a fit!!!! lololol


Well-Known Member
theyre is one in the town up near the trongate its called glasgrow ,ive been in twice they couldnt be more unfriendly or un usefull honest m8, i would not recommend them
no price on anything and bumped me i think

ive had plenty stuff delivered since all arrived sound
where abouts r u in glasgo? might have spare600 and balast


can anyone give me some info on the best strains to do a guerilla grow in the uk:wall:,they have to be high mold resitant and cope well with low temps,and what would be the best time to plant so i could squeeze as many crops in as possible,prefrably auto flowering as they finish quickest,cheers:clap::clap::leaf::leaf:

tip top toker

Well-Known Member
Sorry mate, no idea on outdoor strains for the UK.

Just had a little heads uip from the flatmate, he can smell it to high heaven from the bottom of the stairwell, only had some stuff out for 15 minutes to trim, so think i might see if i can pick up an ozone gen for a good price to keep around near my door come harvest times. (it could also be because i momentarily opened my front door, who knows, better safe than sorry though :))


Active Member
can anyone give me some info on the best strains to do a guerilla grow in the uk:wall:,they have to be high mold resitant and cope well with low temps,and what would be the best time to plant so i could squeeze as many crops in as possible,prefrably auto flowering as they finish quickest,cheers:clap::clap::leaf::leaf:
try a white widow, white rhyno or A.M.S


Active Member
Just had a little heads uip from the flatmate, he can smell it to high heaven from the bottom of the stairwell, only had some stuff out for 15 minutes to trim, so think i might see if i can pick up an ozone gen for a good price to keep around near my door come harvest times. (it could also be because i momentarily opened my front door, who knows, better safe than sorry though :))
ha ha ha stinky shit, how they coming on?

tip top toker

Well-Known Member
They're all great. Without the boost they certainly seem smaller but tje penetration is better so a lot more viable jugs per stem this tume Instead of all the popcorn I got last time


Well-Known Member
can anyone give me some info on the best strains to do a guerilla grow in the uk:wall:,they have to be high mold resitant and cope well with low temps,and what would be the best time to plant so i could squeeze as many crops in as possible,prefrably auto flowering as they finish quickest,cheers:clap::clap::leaf::leaf:
Hollands Hope - an outdoor srtain is suppose to be very hardy and whatnot.

You do realise you cant grow at this season, and also its best to vegetate indoors, and put them out around april ish (start of spring)
anyway good luck.


Well-Known Member
i have found it fairly cheap on alot of internet sites, but i dont like to pay by card for these kinda things so i sourced localy. Theres a little hydro shop down in kent called UK grow works, i buy everything from here, regardless of price, i dont know where its cheapest but it was conciderably cheaper than other nutes they had on desplay! Sorry mate
If around Kent/SE - I've used 3 county hydroponics in the past -, pretty pro set up and have huge stocks.

Schoolboy question - Canna Boost is for hydro only, not for use in Soil? What do peeps recommend for soil I've been using Bio-Boost but fancy a change. Ta


Well-Known Member
can anyone give me some info on the best strains to do a guerilla grow in the uk:wall:,they have to be high mold resitant and cope well with low temps,and what would be the best time to plant so i could squeeze as many crops in as possible,prefrably auto flowering as they finish quickest,cheers:clap::clap::leaf::leaf:
try the summer lol good luck on hollands hope in this weather more like no hope lmao