The UK Growers Thread!

tip top toker

Well-Known Member

Ok, i lie, i'm drinking :D got one bottle of bishops fingers or such, can't remember, and a handful of big bottles of stella :) no cheap vodka in sainsburys right now though :( but i'd just get fuck faced if i bought vodka, absolutely no self control from this man right here :D i've been drinking far too much for far too long, and while it's nowhere near on a university level of madness, i've been drunk damn near every night since i was 16 :D my old flatmate is off to haiti for a bit so we're looking at moving upto vancouver when he's finished over there, should be enough to do up in whistler etc to cause me to cut back and well, start living :D it's plain to see i'm drinking though, chattin off bollocks like this.

Beer is like any fizzy drink really, first few sips or such are realll nice, very erfreshing and yummy, after that it's nice but you're just drinking something. I do enjoy whiskey's and such where you've only enough so that you are savouring each sip. Beer, i just no it goes down quick and it's got alcohol in it, they all end up tasting the same after the first few :D


Well-Known Member
The place to buy property is india lol, inlaws bought pad out there few years ago for 350k worth over a million now so ive been told. Too crowded for me tho.


Well-Known Member
Gone right off beer got some becks in the fridge from xmas probably still be there come this xmas, wont have to buy any lol. Give me a decent whiskey and im happy.

tip top toker

Well-Known Member
Any of you guys been watching workaholics? I was pointed to it and you'd certainly not see it out of the blue, harder to find than most things. One verdict though, funny as fuckity fuck! For a new show with young actors (not sure i've ever seen any of em before) they seem to be pretty decent.


hi all i,m new to this site and loving the info,i,m already trying some of the things i,ve read,going back 2 the first thread the prices have changed so much,
these days in the west mids prices are stupid,but you do get good 1.7g 4 20. so now i,m growing my own and looking 4 info off some serious UK growers,thats how i got the mo i,m in soil cana plus,with some big bud cheese(put the pics up soon)i,m using a 400 buld that was recomended 4 vegin
then i,m going 2 switch 2 a 600 flowering buld(as recomended)i,m using a feed called cana terra and a vega called hydrazone xcuse spelling.not quite got 2 flowering 2 weeks 2 go any good advice as 2 what flowering feed is the best 4 what i got then the info would b much apprectiated.oh yeh growing in a 1200x1200 tent.have you looked at the thread how 2 produce co2 realy cheep some great info here chat soon


Well-Known Member
Who's the mortgage guy in here? I want to buy a house, and I can afford a mortgage, but I can't prove that I can afford it because I don't work. There must be some way around this.


Active Member
280,000 for studio flat where i was working and living a few yrs ago, would that buy me the island lolol
lol dude 280k up here would jus rule

Cant even remember the last time the door was opened been ages i know that, they dont build houses like they use too and unless you have a smart car your motors not gonna fit in anyway. Pretty fucking usless having a garage that a car wont fit in lol, so what better use than a grow room, no one has access accept me its a no go zone for the wife and kids.
dude id fukin live in it

Who's the mortgage guy in here? I want to buy a house, and I can afford a mortgage, but I can't prove that I can afford it because I don't work. There must be some way around this.
ur fuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuukd lol

the only name coming to mind is sillybilly but that's not quite his name i know, but too frazzled to remember :(
reckon hes had his last deep fried pizza n croaked it lol


Active Member
Who's the mortgage guy in here? I want to buy a house, and I can afford a mortgage, but I can't prove that I can afford it because I don't work. There must be some way around this.
u ever had a look at rent to buy options?

pay a little extra on your rent but can work out being told i need 50percent deposit minimum plus been in a job for a year minimum and earning over 18000 a year after tax for a fukin 60k mortgage!

im gna buy land outright n live like a fukin pikey n shit on folks lawns lol


Well-Known Member
u ever had a look at rent to buy options?

pay a little extra on your rent but can work out being told i need 50percent deposit minimum plus been in a job for a year minimum and earning over 18000 a year after tax for a fukin 60k mortgage!

im gna buy land outright n live like a fukin pikey n shit on folks lawns lol
Even if I rent they still want to see proof of income. The only thing I can do is buy the house outright.

Don't bother knocking my door for scrap iron because I haven't fucking got any!


Well-Known Member
img_0818av-m.jpgfinally got these ordered well my friend did so il be using most defo using them on the my next harvest.

wanted me m8 to get this tho instead. but spose beggers carnt be choosers n all that lol

bubbleman fingy.jpg

tip top toker

Well-Known Member
Heh, i like the look of that roller :) i recently bought bubblebags so no more hash purchases for me for a bit, but am currently saving towards a vaporizer, except everytime i reach a milestone i find an apparently great unit in that prie range. Still want a volcano thouhg :(


Well-Known Member
i just got a little MFLB to hold me over until I can get the volcano - so much other shit i need to buy first though :/

the mflb is ace though nice little personal vape

Heh, i like the look of that roller :) i recently bought bubblebags so no more hash purchases for me for a bit, but am currently saving towards a vaporizer, except everytime i reach a milestone i find an apparently great unit in that prie range. Still want a volcano thouhg :(