The UK Growers Thread!


Well-Known Member
well thats the dwc set up and runnin, temps around 27-28c, think i mite have to fuck around with the air pump as it dosnt seem to be bubbling just the way i want, ahll deal with that tomorrow. thats 4 out the 7 in there pots so the other 3 are just getting a slow soil veg under a cfl . may change my mind on that though.

tip top toker

Well-Known Member
well thats the dwc set up and runnin, temps around 27-28c, think i mite have to fuck around with the air pump as it dosnt seem to be bubbling just the way i want, ahll deal with that tomorrow. thats 4 out the 7 in there pots so the other 3 are just getting a slow soil veg under a cfl . may change my mind on that though.
All i can tell you in a single one random but not so random point, is the "bubbles bubbles bubbles" idea, well it's totally not needed. I used to use ol clogged up year old air stones that emmited but a stream of bubbles in say 3 places, my plants grew big bushy and very buddy none the less. In those lil 15l pots you'll reach the disolved oxygen threshhold without a real issue. Tip Top Science! maybe?

It's only 9:37 and i'm pissed juist a pint of booze in the fridge and a pile of cash on the counter. Sometimes i hate living in a small place where everyone is everyone and just going in and buying a pack of tinnies while pissed will have you held to account the next day. damned rich old people, that would be a simpler way of putting it.


Well-Known Member
qwik rundown
got busted morning before last
and then again the next morning
1st one was stolen goods 2nd was burglary taskforce
THEY MISSED THE GROW seriously a whole fucking room!! we was shitting ten briks mate!
they have busted me 4 times in like 9 months everytime no result so i put a harrasment complaint in hopefully they will leave me alone
i aint doing shit so ther info is obv a estate snitch grassin to cover ther own bak!

the ballast is outside the room door and wire cuming down thru ceiling they wer looking in ottoman box with ballast behind AND THE FANS WER RUNNING and extractor
That's fucked man. See I live in a suburban middle class house where everybody minds their own. We have disputes but it's about silly shit like recycling. But I have friends in estate type areas and it's like a fucking soap opera. Everybody knows everybody elses business and trys to snoop. My ex girlfriend who was as prudish as it comes about drugs was walking down the stairs early one morning looking groggy and the next day the neighbours across the road were saying she smokes dope. Mustve been looking through the window. Horrible though.


Well-Known Member
what do you mean keeping a temp change below 15f? do you mean having a temperature variation of less than 15f between day and night?

basically they are saying it is most effecting after switching to 12/12 if you want to stop stretch.. tighter internodes usually results in denser bud? it doesn't mean you can't revert to whatever variation you want after the stretch has stopped?

on the opposite end you could still use the variation to induce stretching if that is what you are after.

it's not saying do it this way.. or do it that way.. it is telling you how to control it so that you can get the shape/size plants you want.

Take it with a pinch of salt. Limiting the growth by keeping a temp change below 15f will result in smaller plants and imo, less bud, not more.


Well-Known Member
what do you mean keeping a temp change below 15f? do you mean having a temperature variation of less than 15f between day and night?

basically they are saying it is most effecting after switching to 12/12 if you want to stop stretch.. tighter internodes usually results in denser bud? it doesn't mean you can't revert to whatever variation you want after the stretch has stopped?
If they were only talking about the stretch phaze, thenfine but I didn't get that impression. Granted I onlyskimmed it, and I'm so stoned I just spent ten minutes studying a light in the skybecause I couldn't figure ut what it is.


Well-Known Member
lol you stoned motherfucker..

yeh from what i understand its basically saying if your plant is too short and bushy .. increase the variation.. if its stretching to fuck.. reduce the variation.. you can basically counter the issue you having i guess..

i was thinking about it quite a bit about how everyone always says use MH for veg... use blue cfl for veg .. keeps internodes tight etc.. is it the light or because the temp is not swinging wildly from when the lights are on and off..

probably a bit of both..


If they were only talking about the stretch phaze, thenfine but I didn't get that impression. Granted I onlyskimmed it, and I'm so stoned I just spent ten minutes studying a light in the skybecause I couldn't figure ut what it is.


Well-Known Member
lol you stoned motherfucker..

yeh from what i understand its basically saying if your plant is too short and bushy .. increase the variation.. if its stretching to fuck.. reduce the variation.. you can basically counter the issue you having i guess..

i was thinking about it quite a bit about how everyone always says use MH for veg... use blue cfl for veg .. keeps internodes tight etc.. is it the light or because the temp is not swinging wildly from when the lights are on and off..

probably a bit of both..

Also, that light is a star.


RIU Bulldog
All i can tell you in a single one random but not so random point, is the "bubbles bubbles bubbles" idea, well it's totally not needed. I used to use ol clogged up year old air stones that emmited but a stream of bubbles in say 3 places, my plants grew big bushy and very buddy none the less. In those lil 15l pots you'll reach the disolved oxygen threshhold without a real issue. Tip Top Science! maybe?

It's only 9:37 and i'm pissed juist a pint of booze in the fridge and a pile of cash on the counter. Sometimes i hate living in a small place where everyone is everyone and just going in and buying a pack of tinnies while pissed will have you held to account the next day. damned rich old people, that would be a simpler way of putting it.
You know, I heard the same thing from an old bubblehead. He said that he was beginning to think that huge volume or air bubbles was actully slowing down root and plants growth. He said that it's not the air bubbles thats oxygenating the water, but was the ambient air in the bucket when the water is circulated to the surface.


Well-Known Member
morning guys well its saturdqay and transformers 3 retail is OUT! and green lantern BUT todays alllll about transformers 3 :)) bowt damn time too

kevin murphy

New Member
ill be putting a update on ere later of one plant that i have just got that ill be veggin and sending to people in uk for anyone who wants took me 5 months of searching for this and ive found it eventually cost me enough and alot of blaggin but it be worth it..this plant isnt bein flowered..any guesses anyone..


Well-Known Member
ill be putting a update on ere later of one plant that i have just got that ill be veggin and sending to people in uk for anyone who wants took me 5 months of searching for this and ive found it eventually cost me enough and alot of blaggin but it be worth it..this plant isnt bein flowered..any guesses anyone..
give us a clue or 2?