The UK Growers Thread!


Well-Known Member
fucking cunting shop! didnt have any half bottles of vod last night so i done the sensible thing and got a full bottle lol woke up with me ps3 headset still on me head, spew bucket by me side and a half eaten sausage n egg sarnie on top of me keyboard arrrrghhhh gonna spew i again i think.............


Well-Known Member
I can't face a smoke when I'm that rough like. Insta whitey.

Zoppa and back to your pit?
nar m8 that getting up at 9am was the latest ive got up in months im a lazy fuck and allergic to the W word lol but never been 1 for laying in bed all day or getting up mid afternoon.

need food tho..............

hows ya diet going geezer?

Don Gin and Ton

Well-Known Member
aye i'm the same come rain shine or death delaing hangover i'm up at half 7 unless ive been at the sniff till all hours. then i'm comatose till the zoppa's wear off. had a bender on it last week without the zoppas n was up till half 6. body can't cope with that shit no more.

diets been off this last ferw weeks been drinking again but havent put a load back on. am fuckin brassic this month with not having owt coming off and xmas presents n stuff so i'm just going to hermit it this month n hit the gym should put me in good shape to get fat over xmas again :lol:

you good?


Well-Known Member
aye i'm the same come rain shine or death delaing hangover i'm up at half 7 unless ive been at the sniff till all hours. then i'm comatose till the zoppa's wear off. had a bender on it last week without the zoppas n was up till half 6. body can't cope with that shit no more.

diets been off this last ferw weeks been drinking again but havent put a load back on. am fuckin brassic this month with not having owt coming off and xmas presents n stuff so i'm just going to hermit it this month n hit the gym should put me in good shape to get fat over xmas again :lol:

you good?
im all good m8 skint as fuck likewise tho, does me nut in only chopped 2wk ago but all gone, oct is a cunt for birthdays in me family then xmas presents 2month later lol

i been pretty good not drinking as much but puffs all gone now so no doubt the booze intake will increase, gave up on the weight n diet when i found out bout the new baby trapped for life now lol jaccamos for me lol


Well-Known Member
well thats the housekeeping done, chamber wiped and sorted. reservoirs all emptied, cleaned and re-refilled. this is the first full strength feed they've had. Did a small precaution Dutch Master spray. all plants between 3 and 4 foot in height, lot of bud sites, main colas putting on weight. white hairs galore. nice green colour through-out. very happy chappy. 3 or 4 weeks to go, plants are 4 weeks in flower on saturday. try and get a few pics up soon.

Don Gin and Ton

Well-Known Member
im all good m8 skint as fuck likewise tho, does me nut in only chopped 2wk ago but all gone, oct is a cunt for birthdays in me family then xmas presents 2month later lol
i been pretty good not drinking as much but puffs all gone now so no doubt the booze intake will increase, gave up on the weight n diet when i found out bout the new baby trapped for life now lol jaccamos for me lol
congrats on the new bairn fella, i think ?! it'll be reet man. just means another tent eh haaha fuck your weight. lifes for living. me n me mates have got a bet on who's going to get gout first ffs.
well thats the housekeeping done, chamber wiped and sorted. reservoirs all emptied, cleaned and re-refilled. this is the first full strength feed they've had. Did a small precaution Dutch Master spray. all plants between 3 and 4 foot in height, lot of bud sites, main colas putting on weight. white hairs galore. nice green colour through-out. very happy chappy. 3 or 4 weeks to go, plants are 4 weeks in flower on saturday. try and get a few pics up soon.
sounds like this DWC is the fucking bollocks fella. can't wait to get cracked on again meself.


Well-Known Member
congrats on the new bairn fella, i think ?! it'll be reet man. just means another tent eh haaha fuck your weight. lifes for living. me n me mates have got a bet on who's going to get gout first ffs.

sounds like this DWC is the fucking bollocks fella. can't wait to get cracked on again meself.
i'll tell you mate, i'll never go back to soil unless its a wee experiment. dwc is fuckin idiot proof and its growth rate is fantastic. less hassle too. it too early tae guess yeild but the plants are way ahead of any other grow ive done. quite excited!!


Well-Known Member
Just bought some coco a&b, I'm so confused. I'm about to give them their first feed but I'm not sure about the ratio between a&b.
I.e. say I want to give them 2ml per 4L of a&b does that mean I give them 2ml of a and 2ml of b or half of both o_O

Please help! :S


Well-Known Member
Means you give'em 2ml from a and 2ml from b. Its still only 2ml total your feeding your plants, certain elements within nutes cant be stored together which is why they come in two part or even 3 parts.


Well-Known Member
Means you give'em 2ml from a and 2ml from b. Its still only 2ml total your feeding your plants, certain elements within nutes cant be stored together which is why they come in two part or even 3 parts.
Cheers! :D I thought so, the guy in Growell said the opposite, I thought he might be mistaken but I had to be sure. thanks again buddy.