The UK Growers Thread!


Active Member
Morning peeps :D Today is the first day of the rest of my crappy, horrible, ridiculously melodramatic life. How can one smallish quiet person attract sooo much drama all the time?!

BTW what's with all the VOTE LABOUR posters all over the place? *suddenly remembering there is life beyond domestic drama*


Well-Known Member
Morning peeps :D Today is the first day of the rest of my crappy, horrible, ridiculously melodramatic life. How can one smallish quiet person attract sooo much drama all the time?!

BTW what's with all the VOTE LABOUR posters all over the place? *suddenly remembering there is life beyond domestic drama*
Better that then no drama. My lifes like groundhog day at the mo it's shit


Well-Known Member
seen season one been waiting for season two, thats where the other guy takes over there stake and they go further in to alaska?

yeh dekota dave or w/eva fucks em over BIG time lmao got well into sn2 now,welll worth a wattch mate thers like 18 eps i think



lol ures has been halfed too sambo lol wtf how can i be bak to 0 wen my most recent posts are in my profile wtf ohh this place is all fucked up

and now kevs bak and mod?? have i missed a yr in time or sum shit lmao


Well-Known Member
I think you missed the English lesson IC3, I really struggle understanding what you type, lol.

Always funny to see the current buns laughing at the Tic and vice-versa, the comedy never ends when you are a non old firm supporter.


Well-Known Member
I think you missed the English lesson IC3, I really struggle understanding what you type, lol.

Always funny to see the current buns laughing at the Tic and vice-versa, the comedy never ends when you are a non old firm supporter.
We nearly put your club under a few weeks back coz we never paid u £70k gate money. Just shows how fucked the Scottish game is. The country need re-educated. If only children would play football instead of smoking smack. I haven't seen jumpers for goalposts for many a moon

Dai dogg

I hope i don't have to fuck about with that image shit every time i post because that shit is really going to do my fucking head in!!!