The UK Growers Thread!

mad dog bark

Well-Known Member
the lemon haze bin in my area is a bag off gash.
guess not the las pheno i heard all about.
but yeah i not been a big fan off lemon haze nor lemon cheese i tried before.
was a lemon strain around wen i was a kid good ten 15 year ago and the locals called it leh man( sounding simular to lemon n yeah man???)
prob just something the local wreck heads came up with but i remember being mighty stoned on that
the only hazes i tried n liked was silver n amnesia. didnt rate the lemon nor purple alot. ok like nothing great but thats just me


Well-Known Member
26oz+ nearly 3oz a plant m8, am really pleased with the yield and the coco in general found it much easier and better than soil, people been telling me to change to it for 2yrs+ on here but gotta say it was me ol mucker pukka lol who got me to change seeing his grows with the same clones done it.

so a BIG thank you to that northan monkey
No worries geezer glad i could help an about time you southen fairys catched up! lmbo

mad dog bark

Well-Known Member
soutern fairys eh haahaa. how r ya pukka u northern monkey hahaha?
think im classed as north midlands so bollocks your all a bunch red neck inbreads haha
11 toes n 3 thumbs, brothers ya wife hill dwelling lot off ya hahaha


Active Member
Tbh baklawa crunches work a whole lot of muscle groups not just your stomach muscles i found that out by pullin muscles in back and neck so yeah why would nt it work both?
*rubbing neck*
You got that right, only I thought I was doing something wrong.


Well-Known Member
Community Service to Ab crunches, the UK Growers thread has it all, lol. Sunny day in the Dam. Brewery is opeing in 40 minutes, the Sun is tempting me.....(and I has already done me crunches and tings!)


Well-Known Member
Some joker on the internet with shakey hands put this together...


Active Member
Community Service to Ab crunches, the UK Growers thread has it all, lol. Sunny day in the Dam. Brewery is opeing in 40 minutes, the Sun is tempting me.....(and I has already done me crunches and tings!)
Hey I can't possibly admit ignorance anywhere else but here, I have a know-it-all arrogance to maintain in the real world :D Yeah I know there are a zillion YouTube vids out there if you search for "lower abs" but why spend two days comparing and contrasting the claims of a zilllion anonymous "experts" when Chedz can give me the tried-and-tested version within seconds?!

What is it with the sun and alcoholic urges then? The last time I combined scorching sun and alcohol I woke up on a beach in a different country with wet feet.


Well-Known Member
Hey I can't possibly admit ignorance anywhere else but here, I have a know-it-all arrogance to maintain in the real world :D Yeah I know there are a zillion YouTube vids out there if you search for "lower abs" but why spend two days comparing and contrasting the claims of a zilllion anonymous "experts" when Chedz can give me the tried-and-tested version within seconds?!

What is it with the sun and alcoholic urges then? The last time I combined scorching sun and alcohol I woke up on a beach in a different country with wet feet.
thats it just abuse me just as the misses would lol


Well-Known Member
the Sun just makes you want to go outside, and when you are outside, what better to do than have a beer! or a spliff if you can get away with it!


Well-Known Member
Right, fuk that, I'm off for a triple brewed, unpasteurised, unfiltered beer mind fuk. Bong first though. Catch yeez ron.