The UK Growers Thread!

ae86 grower

Well-Known Member
so how do you like to smoke the weed mdb? you a joint smoker, vape, bong?

always stick to the joints myself, joint and a cuppa, heaven..

mad dog bark

Well-Known Member
yeah a j or joint for me n a coffee haha. mayb use pipe time to time and enjoy a good bong finish the night but mines broke. i will do most methods smoking really but my norm is joint.
never got into cooking with it tho.


Well-Known Member
im the same joints only fuk bongs n shit im too old,,i dont smoke to get smashed or fucked up i smoke to relax and get rid of the daily pains,
i dont even use kingsize rizla i stil use small ones and join em,i dont drink or take any hard drugs, so chillaxing in front of me telle after the missus and babies gone to bed witha good ole movie si heaven to me

oh no CHEDZ pictures leaked his real one too mfg look

ae86 grower

Well-Known Member
hit the nail on the head there ic3, and i have to admit i`m loveing the growing of it now, to be self sufficent with some kickass weed would be ideal for me, don`t know if it makes the news over there but couple of days ago they caught a couple of millions worth comeing in, so its going to be dry here for a while, and the stuff thats about now is like sand or some shit on it...


Well-Known Member
I don't smoke to get fukked up either, but I am sure smoking my bong, it's a quality way to medicate, lol.


Well-Known Member
Im having nightmares with odour control.....Ive got an ozone gen(replaced carbon filter), ona gel and air freshner everywhere and next doors attic is a bit smelly, now they are brand new about it but this is now 3 times they have complained. Im going to seal the wall that joins onto their attic with silicon and rape tape. Its not as bad as it was but there is still a wiff. I put the small ozone gen I had in their loft today just to look as if I was doing something......anyone got any input.....dont say move the grow coz it aint gonae happen


Well-Known Member
Use sum expansion foam bill i know a few lads that had same problem and they used that or kingspanned the departing wall between the 2houses


Well-Known Member
Im having nightmares with odour control.....Ive got an ozone gen(replaced carbon filter), ona gel and air freshner everywhere and next doors attic is a bit smelly, now they are brand new about it but this is now 3 times they have complained. Im going to seal the wall that joins onto their attic with silicon and rape tape. Its not as bad as it was but there is still a wiff. I put the small ozone gen I had in their loft today just to look as if I was doing something......anyone got any input.....dont say move the grow coz it aint gonae happen

Is there another attic on the other side Bill? if there is maybe a grow in there too lol


Well-Known Member
Not much more you can do about the smell by the sounds of things. Except find a low scent strain next time around.

The smell is probably travelling while the lights are off, so put another fan and filter in there for when lights are off. Don't extract the air, just recycle it, that way you won't lower your temps too much.


Well-Known Member
I think Airwave has probably got it. If you are running extraction during lights on then effectively air should be coming from your neighbours loft. I discovered that when running my dehumidifier at night (lights off and having all extraction fans off) that because it was blowing out extracted air, this was also pushing air out of the cab into the house. So I now run extraction all night as well. You could just recycle if you are in an actic but I think this could possibly still push air through to the neighbours loft (depends on a lot of air pressure factors I would guess). If you have the dog in there it is only going to get stinkier.


Well-Known Member
Not much more you can do about the smell by the sounds of things. Except find a low scent strain next time around.

The smell is probably travelling while the lights are off, so put another fan and filter in there for when lights are off. Don't extract the air, just recycle it, that way you won't lower your temps too much.
Its doing my nut in m8.....I cant go back to growing "shitty" strains. lol Ive got the fan on 24/7 m8. Ive moved the oscilating fan so that its blowing away from the next door attic. Ill fill the gaps with foam, tape it all up. There is a small attic between the 2. Ive just found some pipes that go from my attic into the small one between the 2. There is a big ass hole for the pipes. I think Ive found the problem

mad dog bark

Well-Known Member
250 quid there a 9 filter air con unit. it ment so ive read others say ment to b so good u can smoke a j in a sealed room and whack this filter thing on and in 5 mins u couldnt tell a thing. is it worth throwing one these in there loft? cant remember the name company, let me check my history on lap top as i wanted treat self to one b4


Well-Known Member
I think Airwave has probably got it. If you are running extraction during lights on then effectively air should be coming from your neighbours loft. I discovered that when running my dehumidifier at night (lights off and having all extraction fans off) that because it was blowing out extracted air, this was also pushing air out of the cab into the house. So I now run extraction all night as well. You could just recycle if you are in an actic but I think this could possibly still push air through to the neighbours loft (depends on a lot of air pressure factors I would guess). If you have the dog in there it is only going to get stinkier.
Does the dog smell worse than livers or exo???? Im totally sealing the room today