The UK Growers Thread!


Well-Known Member
or how much wood u pay to have the neighbours moved on haha
I just gave them a ton and said to buy the kid something and have a night out on me!!! They have a 2 year old kid and I reckon they will need to move soon.Ive already asked to buy their house. Im going to make my flat into a penthouse. lol

mad dog bark

Well-Known Member
bap1700 smokestop =air quality sensor. there loads these gadgets out at min. some r better then this model. this was an example. i found a site before which had one these designed for grow rooms and had 9 or 12 different filters and ran silent but was 3 4 ton. i no u ent short cash at min i wood try treet self to one these and run for day or two. if improves wood keep if dont then return to shop.


Well-Known Member
My financial solution company just got a good mention on BBC1.....they asked our permission 6 months ago. They were wanting to interview but I said fuck no. Got it on record. lol We are famous


Well-Known Member
Lol this place is enough to send ya crazy lmfao billy is the floorin in attic between the 2 house joined also? If so drill a few holes along the floorin and use the foam there also a freind nearly packed his op up until he figured that problem out but its not that common tbh usually the floorin is seperated but in his was straight threw and he never realised until the very last minute and last resort haha


Well-Known Member
Its doing my nut in m8.....I cant go back to growing "shitty" strains. lol Ive got the fan on 24/7 m8. Ive moved the oscilating fan so that its blowing away from the next door attic. Ill fill the gaps with foam, tape it all up. There is a small attic between the 2. Ive just found some pipes that go from my attic into the small one between the 2. There is a big ass hole for the pipes. I think Ive found the problem

Also, 3 complaints. They're gonna be pissed by now. You don't need pissed off neighbours when they know what you're doing. I'd knock the door and explain that I've done all I can and offer them £500 to put up with it - to be paid at harvest. If this grow is a one off and if they need the money, then it should be enough, but if you are going to grow there on the regular you might need to take it up to £1000.
If that isn't enough, I simply wouldn't grow there any more.


Well-Known Member
Aye they are Yorkie, just when u grow these really fucking smelly plants your having a constant battle.....sealed everything with foam and the small gaps with caulk. I can smell fuck all and I hav checked the middle attic and can smell fuck all. Mind u the lights are off. Ill check 2morrow morning in their loft after lights have been on all night. Fingers crossed problem is no longer


Well-Known Member
Aye they are Yorkie, just when u grow these really fucking smelly plants your having a constant battle.....sealed everything with foam and the small gaps with caulk. I can smell fuck all and I hav checked the middle attic and can smell fuck all. Mind u the lights are off. Ill check 2morrow morning in their loft after lights have been on all night. Fingers crossed problem is no longer
The problem should b sorted if you sorted the gaps out mate im sure the neighbours would nt mind the extra income everytime u throw 1 out if they are cosha that is lol


Well-Known Member
But I don't get permeation with the filter?
It all depends on wot your growin with which size can! As he said its growin smelly as fuckweed that is causin the problem !!
Billy wot carbon filters u using? I am havin to run a 6inch an a 4 inch together to mask the smell outside growin the same as you are pal and i get a whiff now and then so in a attic id be scrubbing with 2x6inch for deffo mate are u usin a intake at all?