The UK Growers Thread!


Well-Known Member
welll been for mri,fukin 6 hrs takes the piss and i fee l like a pin cussion ffs
doc rushed all my shit and brought my apps forward after seeig the leg today(wasent ment to but they called the specialist in wen they seen it)
so nect fridsay is the day amputate or ooperate ARRGGHHH


Well-Known Member
Fuck me lad amputee is no jokes fuck id tell em under no uncertain terms could they lob my foot off fuck thats bollocks surely they can save it its not like u cant use it is it! and im tellin you know if u think your in pain now i know a few lads that ave amputee just under there knee and the sores are unreal it gets better so they say but hey they had no choice in it wot so eva


Well-Known Member
Fuck me lad amputee is no jokes fuck id tell em under no uncertain terms could they lob my foot off fuck thats bollocks surely they can save it its not like u cant use it is it! and im tellin you know if u think your in pain now i know a few lads that ave amputee just under there knee and the sores are unreal it gets better so they say but hey they had no choice in it wot so eva
i know mate its scarug the shit out of me tbh but another yr or so of this if it evengets better,thast the thing do i go thru a liong time of shit for em to say at te end its fucked or get it off now IF they say thats what they think,JUST GOTTA WAIT FOR MRI RESULTS soz caps lock

eazy gaz how goes it mate?


Well-Known Member
good just back from the hydro shop(i love it in there)and i need my softsecrets to win seeds with the lass lol


Well-Known Member
good just back from the hydro shop(i love it in there)and i need my softsecrets to win seeds with the lass lol
.................... its like toys r us is to kids isnt it lol, ive just picked up a maxibright digital ballast to add to my collection ;)


Well-Known Member
mine are looking sweet veged for about a week to get em established then flipped em il maybe loose 1 or 2 max being males ive loked and it looks like i got 1 male deffo and 1 unsure and im pretty sure the rest are females,,anyone grown out and of TTT'S genetics yet as far as yeilds and quality goes?

what did ya get from hydro shop m8?