The UK Growers Thread!


Well-Known Member
i can highly reccmend malana cream charas wit a small bit of opium on top in a pipe, highly recommend lmaooo

That's pretty much real deal temple ball from what i've read in Mel Frank's book and pink kush is lush haven't tried the blueberry pink kush but it looks nice :weed:

tip top toker

Well-Known Member
Nice. Don't know if I'd be willing to spend 1k on it though.
If i had that kind of cash floating around, i'd happily pay it out. That is a seriously large and seriously good television for £999. I paid around £700 for my 42" about 3 years back and i thought that that was worth the price. How could i not buy a 60" :D Although i'd be interested to learn if the "smart tv" and "wi-fi internet connectivity" do much in tem of upping the price, those are two of the biggest gimmicks i've yet to come across.

It's a double whammmmmmmy of theft :D i've my flatmate nicking half a grand from my home, and my boss trying to nick half a grand from my wages. Time to get the lawyers involved :D


Well-Known Member
Nice. Don't know if I'd be willing to spend 1k on it though.
i know mate but weve never spent that much on summet so,,,welll its a luxury int it we got a 47 now but its just lcd and i want summet nice to go on lounge floor and since everythings gping 3d im thinking fuk it BUT if i went in with cash id get a deal or summet thrown in like bluray player ro summet

If i had that kind of cash floating around, i'd happily pay it out. That is a seriously large and seriously good television for £999. I paid around £700 for my 42" about 3 years back and i thought that that was worth the price. How could i not buy a 60" :grin: Although i'd be interested to learn if the "smart tv" and "wi-fi internet connectivity" do much in tem of upping the price, those are two of the biggest gimmicks i've yet to come across.

It's a double whammmmmmmy of theft :grin: i've my flatmate nicking half a grand from my home, and my boss trying to nick half a grand from my wages. Time to get the lawyers involved :grin:
shit TT mate your going thru "the bad times" wer everything that can go wrong will go wrong and its just never ending,, dont know what to advice mate maybe get a new gaff and take that other job you wasa talking about? fresh start n all uy cant live with sum1 who is a theif ffs he'll be thru all ur stuff evertime ur owt the house,,fuking liberty

that is a pretty awsome tv the first K i get im getting it trust

tip top toker

Well-Known Member
Don't have a choice in that matter mate :D I'm being evicted end of the month as the aprents can't be arsed with the hassle of finding new flatmates every 6 months, so they're letting it as a whole flat. Lock on my door now. As you say though, everything that can go wrong is going wrong within the space of a week :D Gotta laugh and roll with it :D Looking for a house in cornwaaaaal. Then i can sell some weed and buy me a boat! :D Hereeee fishy fishy fish!


Well-Known Member
this was ma facebook post of 2 mins ago but ah feel it should be repeated in her as well.
ahve never ever understood why anybody takes what said in here seriously or gets upset about it, its the FUCKIN INTERNET...its foo o fuckin loonies..thats what makes it fun, if ye want serious discussion then yer really really needin tae try anither avenue, aye ye mite get a serious conversation but on a virtually open platform you will see stuff ye dont agree wae it or shoot'll never change that.....ah think its like goin catholic seminary tae learn tae be a priest , you may learn to love god, experience the real meaning of the words of jesus and understand mankinds place within the universe....but your mare likely tae get fucked up the arse. hard.


Well-Known Member
My fiancée had spent a fortune on bridal magazines so she could plan the perfect wedding.

But she went mad with me when she caught me masturbating over one of the pages.

And little Oliver's parents weren't pleased either.

The Yorkshireman

Well-Known Member
Don't have a choice in that matter mate :D I'm being evicted end of the month as the aprents can't be arsed with the hassle of finding new flatmates every 6 months, so they're letting it as a whole flat. Lock on my door now. As you say though, everything that can go wrong is going wrong within the space of a week :D Gotta laugh and roll with it :D Looking for a house in cornwaaaaal. Then i can sell some weed and buy me a boat! :D Hereeee fishy fishy fish!
Let us know when your sorted in a new pad dude, there's a sack full of seeds and as many clones as you want with your name on em sat here!


Well-Known Member
ttt watver happens u know we'll all look after ya m8

before u mooove out hide sum kiddy porn,and a showr bag with duct tape,poppers liquid,and lube,,,stash it in he other guys room and ring the old bill anonymously saying he does kddie porn

and wtahc the fun lmao

seriously man its shit but it happens i thik we all go thru small peroids of time wer evrything goes wrong

yorkie bro wtf u lost or camera or stil doing maths?

The Yorkshireman

Well-Known Member
ttt watver happens u know we'll all look after ya m8

before u mooove out hide sum kiddy porn,and a showr bag with duct tape,poppers liquid,and lube,,,stash it in he other guys room and ring the old bill anonymously saying he does kddie porn

and wtahc the fun lmao

seriously man its shit but it happens i thik we all go thru small peroids of time wer evrything goes wrong

yorkie bro wtf u lost or camera or stil doing maths?
Fuck me not very "Mr current affairs" are you? .............:wall:

That's 2 updates you've missed now, pull ya fucking head out ya arse! ;)

4 pages back, 8th post down!


Well-Known Member
Fuck me not very "Mr current affairs" are you? .............:wall:

That's 2 updates you've missed now, pull ya fucking head out ya arse! ;)

4 pages back, 8th post down!

ther looking nice matey how old they now bowt a week? eitherway looking nice and green the last lot i fgot had burned tips ect,, but i got starter nutes in and box with 6400k tube in ready for them wen they arrive

The Yorkshireman

Well-Known Member
And yeah Tip Top we could allways sniper some deep web, 25 to life nasty shit and plant it on his comp, in his room, in his DVD player.

They'd be no explaining it I can tell you! :fire:

Shit find out his email and we'll just bomb him with the stuff!

tip top toker

Well-Known Member
Haha. computer? Dvd player? No such things for him :D His life is his iphone :D paid out almost a grand for it :D if i were really going to do soemthing against him i'd just carve a large penis into the screen with a screwdriver :D That' why i "got rid" of the big tv and the 2kw hifi and the computers and the films and everything. Now the flat has nothing to offer him but a big GTFO! By got rid i of course mean they're just at in my room under lock and key. I'm not about to get rid of my fun things because of some thief :D

To be quite frank though, at the end of the day, i',m pissed that he is potentialy a thief (could be a friend of his) but as to the weed and money, well i'm really not too bothered, if i have a roof above my head and food to put in my belly i have absolutely no interest in money. frives my parents fucking nuts though :D They want to see me making thousands and thousands and buying nice thing and living a fancy life, i couldn't give two shits. Let me grow some dope, sit on a riverbank with a book some music and a fishing rod and who the fuck needs a million pound retirement home? :D They've been millionaires since they graduated, i think they have lost the ability to understand how life can work without cash falling out of ya pockets each step you make :) I mean hell, they're now essentially emotionally blackmailing me to take this £3K cooking course. I'm gonna take it even if just so that i can say fuck you, that was worth it, told you i should have spent more time thinking about it :D

That looks fucking delicious mate, makes me warm and bubbly, who's the daddy! :D I had to chop down my 20 odd BRxExo's :D And not at all Yorkshire, i'd rather see something great to convince me that they were worth it regardless of what i have or don't have :)