The UK Growers Thread!


Active Member
Quick question iv had 16 plants growing in pots in my back yard. Growing well something munched some leaves but otherwise good. Question is shall I just leave them? Or try and control light buy putting in shed or something 12/12.


Active Member
They all diff in size smallest is 7in biggest 3f. Had them out start of may. What about light leak? I know all indoor plants because that all I grow


Well-Known Member
They all diff in size smallest is 7in biggest 3f. Had them out start of may. What about light leak? I know all indoor plants because that all I grow
i look at it like this in nature its NOT 100% dark so i guess a slight leak isent w bother :)or im just to fucking lazy to plug it but hell ive not had no problems,, just get a black light if u need to be in ther durning the day


Active Member
No light leak as the only light they should get is from the sun.
As for the hight how they no all about the same hight where they all germed at same time but whith them being outside they will flower them selfs once the autum starts.


Active Member
Fuck it ill just leave them. Didn't think anything would come of it. Just because getting so big started thinking mite get bit of bud out these lol. It is what it is ill leave them


Active Member
All cuttings from diff plants but mostly same size. Something been munching them. Couple got no tops if knew how to up load pics I'd take some.


Well-Known Member
Did some1 ask for a expert??? Fear not I'm hear lmao

If u leave them el natural u wana hope for a late good summer they only gonna start budding around nowish so u then add ya 8-10 wk flower time and ur well into october and if its pissing down like it usually is then.

Well ya gonna av a shitload of moldy fucked bud that's even if the sun has lasted long enough to give ya decent bud.


Well-Known Member
Best bet is too veg them to a nice size indoor and then use the hottest months I.e july,aug for budding but forcing them I.e covering in darkness 12-12

Will be a chore tho with 16 lol may aswel just let em do there fing and hope for good weather


Active Member
Yeah I did expect it around oct time. Pretty sure mostly white widow because of leaf shape maybe few double dutch and amnesa. Just have to see what the gods bring