The UK Growers Thread!


Well-Known Member
Did anyone watch the valleys on mtv last night? What a bunch of muppetes, they make the welsh look dull as fuck lol
Lol couldn't have been as bad that programme called bouncers about newport not so long ago, fuck that was funny.

How's ya doing neway m8 u got ya net back on yet?


Well-Known Member
Although bruv I will say I was using canna nutes before and was worried bout nitro overdose. Now have switched to dutch pro plants seem to be able to take up more of dutch pro than canna. Wot nutes u use?


Well-Known Member
U got any pics of ya grows ukss?

As for nutes dunno if u where asking me? If so at the moment, canna a n b, pk13-14, calmag, then ripen to finish.


Well-Known Member
I have mate I will find some of my SLH and post them soon. I was at no point saying I dont know what you are doing I was simply pointing out that this method works great for me. And do I get nitrogen problems with canna as they only have 1 solution for growth and bloom so I find u get too much nitro for flowering 8 years of it and only just decided to change because I can now get e,c up to 2.2 in flowering without problems couldnt do that with canna. Do u use boost?


Well-Known Member
Lol couldn't have been as bad that programme called bouncers about newport not so long ago, fuck that was funny.How's ya doing neway m8 u got ya net back on yet?
They are a lot worse mate. They made the bouncers look good mate the nets off till the 19th of october. Im stuck on my phone till then. They said it would take 10 - 14 days but i moaned about the speed and they said they would send an engineer up, they didnt tell me on the phone that the net would be off till the cunt came up tho


Well-Known Member
I have mate I will find some of my SLH and post them soon. I was at no point saying I dont know what you are doing I was simply pointing out that this method works great for me. And do I get nitrogen problems with canna as they only have 1 solution for growth and bloom so I find u get too much nitro for flowering 8 years of it and only just decided to change because I can now get e,c up to 2.2 in flowering without problems couldnt do that with canna. Do u use boost?
No boost for me far too expensive, I agree with u on the ph I always ph but it works for chedz not doing so and lots on here don't bother with great results still.


Well-Known Member
They look great mate. You got them looking like that no ph or ec? Well done mate it seems to working great for you. I will still ph though that's my way.


Well-Known Member
mostly cuts ukss cause they mostly clone-only strains lol

but there is a few seeds in them soil pics, power africa, blueberry, critical mass and some unknown tude freebie.


Well-Known Member
I only bother with ph at the start when i use rhitzonic. You can use that as ph up lol. I found canna coco brings it down to 5.8ish without any adjustments needed. I was giving my last lot a light feed tho cos i was running out and had to ration. I got the 5L bottles this time tho so im going to do a side by side without flushing to see the difference. Ill get some samples sent out marked up 1 and 2 or something so no one knows what was flushed to get a tidy opinion. It took a while to open the first bottle but i got my tecnique down now, fuck the canna spanner lmao :-D