
Well-Known Member
When I was in my early 20's a weekend could involve cocaine, unprotected sex with some woman (or women) who's name I didn't even know
and drunken violence when the clubs closed at 3am (A British tradition).
Attempting to live like The Rolling Stones (on a budget) was the general idea
and it was fun!

So what the fuck happened to the generation that came next?

Instead of cocaine they have 'Red Bull'
and their idea of a fight is 'unfriending' one of their facebook connections.
As for the risky sex with anonymous groups of unstable women....
I don't think most of them have sex....?
It would probably mean putting down their Xbox controllers for too long.

And sneaking a girl into your room, whilst your parents are out
probably doesn't seem that exciting when your 25 years old
and should've moved into your own place YEARS ago???

The Under 25's...
Justin Bieber and the Twilight movies.
so your upset cuz the miscreants of today gen are not out there raising hell?

check the news on a daily basis.. and I am sure you will be changing your mind..
Oh, totally! It's like, what in the holy fuck is wrong with the kids today, man?!

Why would we want the younger generation to be progressive and civilized? My kids won't have the choice - I'll be shoving handfuls of chico up their noses, making damned sure they're involved in starting as many fist-fights as possible, and I won't accept anything less than a weekly unprotected orgy with total strangers (higher the risk of an STD, higher the excitement I say).

Stupid kids today.. God help them if they announce they're considering reducing their meat intake. I'd go apocalyptic, with swathes of bold font and upper-case letters to reinforce my rage.
Oh, totally! It's like, what in the holy fuck is wrong with the kids today, man?!

Why would we want the younger generation to be progressive and civilized? My kids won't have the choice - I'll be shoving handfuls of chico up their noses, making damned sure they're involved in starting as many fist-fights as possible, and I won't accept anything less than a weekly unprotected orgy with total strangers (higher the risk of an STD, higher the excitement I say).

Stupid kids today.. God help them if they announce they're considering reducing their meat intake. I'd go apocalyptic, with swathes of bold font and upper-case letters to reinforce my rage.

Right on!!
Kids today are doing shit we never would have dreamed of doing back in the day. Hell, these motherfuckers are doing g'damn cheetah flips on motorcycles...and WHEELCHAIRS!!!


The kids are alright...
As an 'under 25' weakling with 2 hip surgeries literally under my belt I can tell you I got my destructive bouts of violence and drug intake done in my teens. And am now focusing on improving the world. Ill still scrap, and won't turn down a line, but I've had one girlfriend for the last 5 years and have no compulsion to go out and fuck some random slattern for 5 minutes of fun and some bumps on my dick.

We are a little different, maybe a lot weirder, and most of my generation I hate, but don't lump us all in one basket.
As an 'under 25' weakling with 2 hip surgeries literally under my belt I can tell you I got my destructive bouts of violence and drug intake done in my teens. And am now focusing on improving the world. Ill still scrap, and won't turn down a line, but I've had one girlfriend for the last 5 years and have no compulsion to go out and fuck some random slattern for 5 minutes of fun and some bumps on my dick.

We are a little different, maybe a lot weirder, and most of my generation I hate, but don't lump us all in one basket.

You guys are not that wierd. You may want to be but if you want to see some ballsy weird people look at Vaudeville. How about balancing 5 chairs on one another on top of the edge of a skyscraper then sitting on it. Or the history of the motorcycle cage of death. You guys are not that weird, you're just like any other generation but with much worse taste in music and more of an opiate addiction. Your generation is also fighting multiple wars, something that older people tend to forget. Maybe if they volunteered in a V.A. hospital they could appreciate your generation that is coming home missing limbs.
Lmao i did all that in my teens also. Now no lines for me just some good smoke and drinks. Im thinking to stop drinking that shit will kill you if you drink allot. i feel 10 times better the next day when i dont drink. the day after a good night of drinking i have to have hair of the dog to take edge off.
Love and Peace all
Lmao i did all that in my teens also. Now no lines for me just some good smoke and drinks. Im thinking to stop drinking that shit will kill you if you drink allot. i feel 10 times better the next day when i dont drink. the day after a good night of drinking i have to have hair of the dog to take edge off.
Love and Peace all

I gave up drinking not too long ago.. hated the hangover feelin.. so I switched to wine for awhile.. then that too gave me headaches and made me feel like crap the next 2 days.. mind you.. when I drank.. I drank to get wasted.. It was not sipping wine.. lol

smoking the next day had given some relief but not enough..
You guys are not that wierd. You may want to be but if you want to see some ballsy weird people look at Vaudeville. How about balancing 5 chairs on one another on top of the edge of a skyscraper then sitting on it. Or the history of the motorcycle cage of death. You guys are not that weird, you're just like any other generation but with much worse taste in music and more of an opiate addiction. Your generation is also fighting multiple wars, something that older people tend to forget. Maybe if they volunteered in a V.A. hospital they could appreciate your generation that is coming home missing limbs.

Square on the head with the worse taste in music and opiate addiction. I actually do volunteer for and help vets, and totally agree with that bit. Weird also comes in a lot of flavors.
Kids today are doing shit we never would have dreamed of doing back in the day. Hell, these motherfuckers are doing g'damn cheetah flips on motorcycles...and WHEELCHAIRS!!!


The kids are alright...

A small % of the population that is far from being a repressentatative of the bulk
What happened to the 'kids'

Computers and technology has taken over their lives
Entitlement mentatly
Public schools have become increasingly political indoctrination camps. Common core?
It's now illegal to physically punish your own children
Parents act as if their childern are fragile glass, No dodge ball, helmit laws for petal bike's, Some child labor laws

When I was a kid the solution to a bully was several bullyed kids and a few sticks, today ............... we teach our children that authoridy is always the answer and to rely on it heavly.
education, theres so much knowledge available nowdays, young people have more brains than to fight, fuck everything n catch god no's what as for drugs they just take different drugs nowdays
When I was in my early 20's a weekend could involve cocaine, unprotected sex with some woman (or women) who's name I didn't even know
and drunken violence when the clubs closed at 3am (A British tradition).
Attempting to live like The Rolling Stones (on a budget) was the general idea
and it was fun!

So what the fuck happened to the generation that came next?

Instead of cocaine they have 'Red Bull'
and their idea of a fight is 'unfriending' one of their facebook connections.
As for the risky sex with anonymous groups of unstable women....
I don't think most of them have sex....?
It would probably mean putting down their Xbox controllers for too long.

And sneaking a girl into your room, whilst your parents are out
probably doesn't seem that exciting when your 25 years old
and should've moved into your own place YEARS ago???

The Under 25's...
Justin Bieber and the Twilight movies.

I too love cocaine... and unprotected sex with women....
What happened to the 'kids'

Computers and technology has taken over their lives
Entitlement mentatly
Public schools have become increasingly political indoctrination camps. Common core?
It's now illegal to physically punish your own children
Parents act as if their childern are fragile glass, No dodge ball, helmit laws for petal bike's, Some child labor laws

When I was a kid the solution to a bully was several bullyed kids and a few sticks, today ............... we teach our children that authoridy is always the answer and to rely on it heavly.
