I'm literally up to my nuts in snow here in Cape Breton (if I stood in my backyard) and I'm running out of places to put the fucking stuff!

No snow until January, but it made up for lost time.
Most of Trump's supporters and fans are bigots and racists and don't give a fuck about the truth or their country, hate and fear come first. Most of these assholes really know the truth about Trump and not too many with money would entrust him with it. They are fear driven folks for the most part who are instinctively going tribal while living in an information bubble that supports their delusions and provides rationalizations, emotional support and spin, and it's of their own contrivance. The truth is all around them and you'd have to be living in a cave not to know it, yet they somehow are immune to it and filter reality to suit their ends, they really want to believe anything but the truth.