The United States is a Corporation

The argument that the two parties should represent opposed ideals and policies, one, perhaps, of the Right and the other of the Left, is a foolish idea acceptable only to doctrinaire and academic thinkers. Instead, the two parties should be almost identical, so that the American people can throw the rascals out at any election without leading to any profound or extensive shifts in policy. Then it should be possible to replace it, every four years if necessary, by the other party, which will be none of these things but will still pursue, with new vigor, approximately the same basic policies. Carroll Quigley
Oh look, you quoted a historian in bold. That's a slam dunk, bro.
If you don't really care, why are you here selling bullshit?
Why do you refuse to acknowledge the UNITED STATES Corporation for what it is? I could care less about your rantings concerning the selected CEO of said corporation. I figure you're a proponent of GMOs and vaccines in response to your query about my beliefs regarding the shape of the earth.
Why do you refuse to acknowledge the UNITED STATES Corporation for what it is? I could care less about your rantings concerning the selected CEO of said corporation. I figure you're a proponent of GMOs and vaccines in response to your query about my beliefs regarding the shape of the earth.
Anti vaccers are responsible for the death and illness of thousands of children by believing a self confessed scientific fraud and one fraudulent paper (proved too), in the face of hundreds of credible studies that prove vaccines cause no harm or autism. You believe bullshit. I won't even bother with GMOs, except to say that the scientists know more than you and when they show concern, so will I, after reviewing the evidence. You don't have a clue as to how science works or the first thing about it, your ignorance is self evident from your posts.

Ya kinda remind me of communist dreamer, same spiel, same facetiousness.

Trump is an asshole, do you agree with the obvious?
Why do you refuse to acknowledge the UNITED STATES Corporation for what it is? I could care less about your rantings concerning the selected CEO of said corporation. I figure you're a proponent of GMOs and vaccines in response to your query about my beliefs regarding the shape of the earth.
Na, I think he was asking for a friend. If I may be so bold though, vaccines are the scourge of the earth, just imagine the fun of smallpox, measles, whooping cough. Thanks for bringing that up, now I understand......... ignore.
I'm literally up to my nuts in snow here in Cape Breton (if I stood in my backyard) and I'm running out of places to put the fucking stuff!:( No snow until January, but it made up for lost time.

Most of Trump's supporters and fans are bigots and racists and don't give a fuck about the truth or their country, hate and fear come first. Most of these assholes really know the truth about Trump and not too many with money would entrust him with it. They are fear driven folks for the most part who are instinctively going tribal while living in an information bubble that supports their delusions and provides rationalizations, emotional support and spin, and it's of their own contrivance. The truth is all around them and you'd have to be living in a cave not to know it, yet they somehow are immune to it and filter reality to suit their ends, they really want to believe anything but the truth.
Well seeings what this thread has unveiled about the OP we might as well talk about the weather. Yes, you guys have been pounded this winter and I shouldn’t complain but every year longer I spend winters here the crankier I get lol. And my ATV just popped a piston so I’m kind of trapped for a bit......was flying out to BC but well virus and all I’ll wait :(. Hopefully they don’t get a vaccine though, could you just imagine all those lives saved......FML.
Well seeings what this thread has unveiled about the OP we might as well talk about the weather. Yes, you guys have been pounded this winter and I shouldn’t complain but every year longer I spend winters here the crankier I get lol. And my ATV just popped a piston so I’m kind of trapped for a bit......was flying out to BC but well virus and all I’ll wait :(. Hopefully they don’t get a vaccine though, could you just imagine all those lives saved......FML.
Yep, our hero the OP won't be lining up for the coronavirus vaccine when they develop one, even if the virus is ravaging the country and the bodies are stacking up like cordwood. @Continuum is a person of principal, that won't fall for no stinking vaccine put out by megacorp to make folks stupid! No they don't need no stink'n vaccine, Alex Jones tells'm the truth about that and chemtrails, besides he read it in the daily stormer so it has to be true.
personally, I had a mandatory flu vaccine this year and was really happy- urgent care rooms were flooded with sick unvaccinated people hacking coughing sneezing with mucous:spew:

I feel great! not sick once!
Why do you refuse to acknowledge the UNITED STATES Corporation for what it is? I could care less about your rantings concerning the selected CEO of said corporation. I figure you're a proponent of GMOs and vaccines in response to your query about my beliefs regarding the shape of the earth.
I won't believe you until you post some George Carlin. JUMBO Shrimp? What the hell is that?
personally, I had a mandatory flu vaccine this year and was really happy- urgent care rooms were flooded with sick unvaccinated people hacking coughing sneezing with mucous:spew:

I feel great! not sick once!
Yes I keep meaning too, it’s free in all of the drugstore’s here but then again maybe I’m glad I didn’t, could turn me into a blind corporate slave, ;).