The Universe!!!


Well-Known Member
stephen and others were worried that since black holes were anti-matter that there was a great possiblitity that all these black holes would combine and create on big black hole effectively cancelling out all matter... upon further study stephen theorized that there were multiple dimentions if you will that all existed one on top of another... and somehow he mathematically proved that where one black hole existed in one dimension it did not in another... therefore the balance was maintained between anti-matter and matter and there was no threat that a universal black hole would swallow everything up... this was pretty recent you could probably check into it if you don't believe me...


New Member
A wormhole is a shortcut through space and time. Einstein and another top physicist came up with the idea back in the 30's I think. It is believed that these wormholes can only exist for a very short amount of time. These short cuts are so quick that they are faster than light if it were making the same journey as you and started at the same time.

Until recently it was believed that if we tried to travel through one, the wormhole would close so quickly that we would run into a singularity. Now, it is believed that one day we will have the capability to stabilise such a thing.

Also it would take masses of energy to create our own wormholes, something similar to the energy of the sun.


Well-Known Member
good stuff... i can see why it would close so fast considering not even light can escape a black hole... but i wonder how they propose to stabalize such a thing... i really need to get a book on quantam physics maybe that will be my next venture... i wonder if we were to deploy an anti-gravity field equal to the gravity exerted by a black hole if that would stabalize it... but how to exert such strong anti-gravity???


Active Member
an interesting theory, but if God Is all knowing, why would it be necessary for him to conduct an experiment? Doesn't his knowledge encompass everything in the universe?


Active Member
I don't believe in god, yet I don't believe that he doesn't exist. I believe, no, i know for a FACT that there is no way I could possibly come to a rational, and I do stress rational, conclusion regarding God's existence based on my present knowledge, and I know for a fact that that holds true for every other person on earth. Theories can be made, but none can be proven. Atleast not yet. Please refrain from using phrases such as "god exists" or "god does not exist", because there's no possible way you could fully convince me (or when it comes down to it, yourself) either way.


New Member
I don't believe in god, yet I don't believe that he doesn't exist. I believe, no, i know for a FACT that there is no way I could possibly come to a rational, and I do stress rational, conclusion regarding God's existence based on my present knowledge, and I know for a fact that that holds true for every other person on earth. Theories can be made, but none can be proven. Atleast not yet. Please refrain from using phrases such as "god exists" or "god does not exist", because there's no possible way you could fully convince me (or when it comes down to it, yourself) either way.
I'm not just convinced... I KNOW there are no gods. GOD DOES NOT EXIST. Refrain that dickhead.


Active Member
Your lying. Simple. If not to me than to yourself. Anyone who adamantly stands behind the belief of god either existing or not existing is just simply a lier. You cant possibly know. You say you KNOW god does not exist, but KNOWING can only be attained with facts. Facts (atleast those that we know of) have yet to prove or disprove God. Will they ever?


New Member
Ever hear of common sense?

It is you that is lying to yourself. You fool yourself into thinking that you cannot know so that you don't have to face the truth. The terrible truth that one day you are going to die...

Proof is what the police need. For example, someone could burgle my house and I KNOW who's done it. I don't need any physical evidence. That's needed to prove it to anyone else that decides to question it. Yet I can know.


Well-Known Member
i guess at the end of the day these are all theories. Blackholes were theories untill about 10years ago. What happens in a blackhole is still a mistery. I believe the NUKER team (Dedicated to blackholes) once said that they just DONT KNOW what happens when u go through a blackhole and some of the thoeries are actually quite radical, ie roadway to another galaxy, its physics we dont understand yet.
As for wormholes, that would be great if they did exsist or could be created, but again another theory (dont know alot about wormholes myself).
Anyone heard of stigma?? The speed at which the stars on the outer edges of the galaxy travel?? people thought that the gravity of the galaxy had no effect on these distant stars at the edges of galaxys, but was proven that blackholes had played a part in the creation of a galaxy and that the outer stars were PUSHED out, like a roundabout at a park, think the program was called SuperMassiveBlackholes (Horizon, BBC)
Rambling on lol

Interesting stuff, space.

LOL hopefully, when the day they send something through a blackhole to see what happens, id send a good bud ;)


Well-Known Member
I don't believe in god, yet I don't believe that he doesn't exist. I believe, no, i know for a FACT that there is no way I could possibly come to a rational, and I do stress rational, conclusion regarding God's existence based on my present knowledge, and I know for a fact that that holds true for every other person on earth. Theories can be made, but none can be proven. Atleast not yet. Please refrain from using phrases such as "god exists" or "god does not exist", because there's no possible way you could fully convince me (or when it comes down to it, yourself) either way.
If theories existed and were proven...then they wouldn't be called theories or ideas anymore, just facts...


Well-Known Member
eatin you have the right idea... i've tried to explain to skunk that i don't neccesarily believe in a god persay... but i believe in the possibility... what i wrote at the beginning of this thread is a theory... a good one if i do think so but a theory... skunk just refuses to believe that anything is possible but he is a good person so i don't rant and rave at but you are on the right path my friend.... an open mind and a belief that anything is possible is the only true path to enlightenment.... people can say they know things but the truth is no one knows shit... those who say they don't believe in god can't prove for a fact the reason we are here just as those that believe in god can't prove for a fact that he put us here... don't be discouraged by skunk he is just a hardcore anti-religious fanatic but a smart guy in my but truly no one will ever know everything so who knows whats out there???


New Member
okay frth', if anything is possible... does santa claus exist? Is it possible to physically squeeze yourself through a 10mm keyhole? What about turn YOURSELF inside out?

I could go on all day about things that are impossible. You want to tell me that something that just doesn't exist is real. You are unsure, yet I know. Your unsurety makes you nervous, you cannot accept that someone can know because you won't accept the answer.

We all know, deep down we really do. It's acceptance... acceptance that we are mortal, acceptance that one day we will die. No floaty, floaty, no angels, and no fucking harps. This knowledge is what you are afraid of. Open yourself to it, allow it to envelop you... I guarantee you'll experience a feeling of release, as though a burden has been lifted.

frth', I seem to remember you saying you had witnessed death, in fact people dying. If this is true, then you'll know the true ugliness of it all. You may have even turned your head in disgust at the throes of these people. A natural reaction to be disgusted by death, for truly it is a disgusting event. This is one of the many reasons people turn to divinity, how can we that know so much die and never BE again. It is fear.


Well-Known Member
sure santa claus could exist 50 million light years from here or you might be able to fit through a key hole... who knows as i've said before skunk you think in terms of the measley planet we call earth... YOU open YOURSELF to the scope of the universe... and you will feel a realease... i fear nothing anymore skunk i gave that up years ago... fear is useless to me... if i'm to be no more after death what the fuck do i care... i just won't be here... but if i'm right and you are wrong then all the knowing in the world won't keep you from being fucked... do you understand that??? I watched those people die and it hurt me not becuase of their death but because of those they wouldn't get to return to... i don't care if i continue or not after death... i will do as much in life as i can... start reading my posts skunk... you and preo think you understand me but you are not even close... stop limiting yourself to what you think you know because unfortunatly you nor i know nothing... this planet is a small insignifican piece of shit in the grand scheme of things... and what do you think that makes us???


New Member
sure santa claus could exist 50 million light years from here or you might be able to fit through a key hole... who knows as i've said before skunk you think in terms of the measley planet we call earth... YOU open YOURSELF to the scope of the universe... and you will feel a realease... i fear nothing anymore skunk i gave that up years ago... fear is useless to me... if i'm to be no more after death what the fuck do i care... i just won't be here... but if i'm right and you are wrong then all the knowing in the world won't keep you from being fucked... do you understand that??? I watched those people die and it hurt me not becuase of their death but because of those they wouldn't get to return to... i don't care if i continue or not after death... i will do as much in life as i can... start reading my posts skunk... you and preo think you understand me but you are not even close... stop limiting yourself to what you think you know because unfortunatly you nor i know nothing... this planet is a small insignifican piece of shit in the grand scheme of things... and what do you think that makes us???
This is where we differ. I believe in the future of mankind, and I don't believe we are insignificant by any means. We are special, we do stand out from the crowd. we invent and write about gods because secretly that's what we believe we are. We do not accept our own mortality. it is belief in this archaic system of gods that holds us back, stops a great country like yours from doing necessary research. We are not insignificant frth', the answers we seek are all here, within our galaxy.

What is the grand scheme of things?

You witnessed these people dying, and all you thought about was the people they were leaving behind? That may well have been what you thought about at the time (although it seems a little flimsy) but what about since then? Surely you have reflected upon these deaths? I mean, some of these men/women would have died with horrific injuries.


Well-Known Member
yes they did... missing half their face limbs burnt up... you name it i saw it... but what persay is the point with lingering on their physical injuries... what is the point in worrying about your physical body??? and yes that is all i thought about and all i still think about... you see my only regret about death is those we leave behind because it is those people that suffer... the people that are dead and when i'm dead will be dead... they don't have to worry about this physical world anymore one way or the other... but the people left behind without their spouses children brothers sisters etc... they are the ones that truly suffer... i have seen enough death to think about it and move on... when people die i want to cry but i can't cry for that person... what truly makes me sad is seeing the impact it has on the people they were important to... as i've said death is just a fact to me that is it... i don't concern myself with it one way or the other and i damn sure don't fear death... my seeking a higher power isn't because i'm afraid... it is because i know scientifically there is no way in hell that things just happen... newton wrote some laws and one of those was for every reaction there is an equal and opposite reaction... well reactions don't just happen... there has to be some kind of force behind them... and you are wrong... this galaxy doesn't hold anywhere close to all the answers... maybe you tell yourself that so that you don't have to think beyond what has been discovered... does it make you sleep better at night denying blatant facts... you will tell me all day that my beliefs are irrelevant and unfounded and then you will deny that the universe holds great mysteries we can't even begin to comprehend... i believe you are narrowminded in a sense skunk... however i agree that we need to work on discovering everything this piece of space we call home holds for us... but only as a means to stretch our minds even further and learn more about the universe... and i don't think we are insignificant in that we can't do anything just as far as the univerese is concerned... this planet is a small speck in reality and we small specks upon a small speck... that is FACT skunk one of the same facts you say you are so aware of...