The US Government Planned and Carried Out the 9/11 Attacks

Jack Condon

Well-Known Member
I looked for a "9/11 Was an Inside Job" thread but I couldn't find one so I'm starting this one.

This video is a pretty good summary of all the important inside job proof. If the YouTube links don't work, do YouTube searches on the titles.

September 11 -- The New Pearl Harbor (FULL)

Listen to what this pilot says.

Pilot Who Flew The Airplanes That Crashed on 9/11 Speaks Out!

Here's some more stuff.

Explosives Technician - Loader -

US Criminal Regime: Expert 9/11 Witness, Danny Jowenko, Ordered Murdered

ARCHITECTS AND ENGINEERS FOR 911 TRUTH (full unreleased version)

Architects & Engineers - Solving the Mystery of WTC 7 -

Was the 9-11 Attack the 2001 Version of "Operation Northwoods"?

Operation Northwoods document

These videos do a good job of explaining the government's probable motives for planning and carrying out the 9/11 attacks.

9/11 False Flag Conspiracy - Finally Solved (Names, Connections, Motives)

So do these articles.

If people look at the above info and experience cognitive dissonance and go into denial, they should watch this video…

Why Can't They See The Truth? Psychologists Help 9 11 Truth Deniers

…and read this article.

That won't sway these posters though.

Beware of disinfo such as the no-plane theory.

provocateurs,shills and disinfo agents
(7:20 time mark)

People who say no planes hit the towers are disinfo agents trying to make the truth movement look silly. Real truthers believe that planes hit the towers.
dear mr. condom -

surprisingly enough I just became very interested in the moon..I was like, looking at it and I thought to myself..there's some shit to learn from that what's the temperature? and why do we even have come we ONLY have one? and how cone its sky isn't blue like ours? must be the no gravity thing..and..

you gotta admit that was heinous..are they still paying reparations for that?

Yes, it was heinous, but we should not be surprised, just a decade before the USA had incinerated Japanese innocents in a nuclear holocaust to demonstrate their new bomb toy to the Soviets even after that war was clearly won.

"They" never pay for anything, they just add it to the publics bill. So for those that still support the violent thugocracy, the question should be, "are we still paying for that" ?
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Obviously the world is flat. And then there's the chemtrails. The world is only 5,000 years old. There is a hollow earth and another race lives in the earth's core.

There are shape-shifting lizard people infiltrating every aspect of government. They are coming for your guns. Mind control elements are in your food. Fluoride is a Russian way to kill us.
Obviously the world is flat. And then there's the chemtrails. The world is only 5,000 years old. There is a hollow earth and another race lives in the earth's core.

There are shape-shifting lizard people infiltrating every aspect of government. They are coming for your guns. Mind control elements are in your food. Fluoride is a Russian way to kill us.

MK ULTRA is not just a marijuana strain.
Obviously the world is flat. And then there's the chemtrails. The world is only 5,000 years old. There is a hollow earth and another race lives in the earth's core.

There are shape-shifting lizard people infiltrating every aspect of government. They are coming for your guns. Mind control elements are in your food. Fluoride is a Russian way to kill us.

fluoride? he'll we've got flint Michigan water courtesy of cheap ass gop government..who needs fluoride?

also I just read all this about the moon there is NO way we were there..good sound stage, cameras and actors..

wait! I've got to adjust the implant behind my ear <schuylaar shifts her head to catch alien signals>.
nahhhhh..I'm with the prepper who podcasts from his satellite laptop from his mountain compound urging folks to take their cash out of banks and buy gold..and his book on how to:lol:
This is total crap. The US could have created a false flag operation without destroying a billion dollars worth of real estate and killing 3000 people.

An assassination or two would have achieved any government objective.

Therefore, it wasnt the USA that did it.
This is total crap. The US could have created a false flag operation without destroying a billion dollars worth of real estate and killing 3000 people.

An assassination or two would have achieved any government objective.

Therefore, it wasnt the USA that did it.
The Saudis perhaps ?