The Weed Nerd~

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My dad has been making olive oil for years. He has emphysema and can not smoke anything so he makes oil and puts it in pill capsules.
I agree in that any cooking oil can be used. Use an oil that best fits with what recipes' you'll be using it in. Oil is better that butter because it doesn't go bad like real butter, can be stored at room temp and doesn't contain the water solids like butter so extracts better. Also if you look on the back of virtually all boxed goods it says to add eggs and oil. Oils works far better then real butter.
well you could but it wouldnt have the texture that has come to be desired of pound cakes! rich and fluffy and decadent.... mmmmm grgrgrgrg(homer simpson saliva gargle)
I see Toke still has a painted tail lol I know ur plate is full but u really should get him a friend to run around with on all that land :)

Spring he will have a mini donkey and prob a yellow lab buddy

Raising animals is also a responsibility I have to do it right!

Spring he will have a mini donkey and prob a yellow lab buddy

Raising animals is also a responsibility I have to do it right!

I wish more animal owners thought like you.

I want to get a couple of great danes, but I won't until I have everything in place and my yard ready. Soon though. I hate not having a guard dog. (My dog died early this year) Oh, hey! Have you seen the mini cows? Very cool. My wife wants one.
Sub what exactly are you getting the mini donkey for? and what made you decide to get one? aren't labs great? really miss mine =/ can't wait to get another one when the times right. I'm sure Toke would love a little buddy, can't wait to see what else you have coming up over your way.
Sub: Don't know why people are bitchin about your bud or harvesting styles. Didn't you and Ms. Jill mention on your harvest tutorial that the fastest way to end friendships was to comment on his or her growing and harvesting methods. All I know is I'm happy with My end product, and that's why I grow. If my friends don't like what I have or smoke (which never happens), they don't have to partake. If people were experts; Why are you on these boards or watching the Weed Nerd. we're here to learn, you can't learn if you think your better than the teacher. Last but not least, Sub get Prospect A Women.
AN Intelligant question i need answered could some one help if not hopefully it can be answered on the weed nerd.

I got what i hope is an intelligant question i may have seen it once on the weed nerd show answered some what but i cant remember. I have followed subcools methods of the full melt bubble process. The first time i did it was some Purp Kush that had some really oily resin and it turned out great full melt. This last time i did it with a couple chernobyls i had both were unique and i knew i would get more bubble off one than the other. I ran both seperate just to see. And as i predicted the earthy lime one produced alot more hash. The rotten mango that wasnt as trich covered not as much. The earthy lime chern 1 was the producer that was completly full melt. The other that didnt produce much was almost full melt like 90% full melt with a little ash on the screen. My question is this what kind of trichs are you looking for to make the best full melt? Also do all strains make full melt following the subcool method or just some strains with a certain kind of resin profile. ex like the more oily or bigger raised ones. I now love full melt and smokin it more than anything and cherish every rip i have of it.
Great shows Subby, learned a lot. I concur, the indoor is always more commercially viable on my end as well. I never understood the real sun is better thing because it's not. Indoor and especially the way weed nerds do it is far superior in my view. I have had great outdoor however, but it's hard to come by. I learn something every show. Thanks buddy.
AN Intelligant question i need answered could some one help if not hopefully it can be answered on the weed nerd.

I got what i hope is an intelligant question i may have seen it once on the weed nerd show answered some what but i cant remember. I have followed subcools methods of the full melt bubble process. The first time i did it was some Purp Kush that had some really oily resin and it turned out great full melt. This last time i did it with a couple chernobyls i had both were unique and i knew i would get more bubble off one than the other. I ran both seperate just to see. And as i predicted the earthy lime one produced alot more hash. The rotten mango that wasnt as trich covered not as much. The earthy lime chern 1 was the producer that was completly full melt. The other that didnt produce much was almost full melt like 90% full melt with a little ash on the screen. My question is this what kind of trichs are you looking for to make the best full melt? Also do all strains make full melt following the subcool method or just some strains with a certain kind of resin profile. ex like the more oily or bigger raised ones. I now love full melt and smokin it more than anything and cherish every rip i have of it.

If I am correct from all my readings and everything that I've done on bubble/hash is full melt depends on the strain. If you read up on Matt Rizes ice water extracts I believe he talks about this as well. lots of good info over on that thread if you wanna check it out. but as far as I know it depends on the strain, I'm sure someone with more experience in making it will respond.
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