When you were done grading and let set, did you get any moisture/ sweating, when taking it from freezer to 50 deg./ 40% hum, or did it not get cold enough?...or was it Just that dry? That would be nice to take to the Beach...
I let it dry on a silk screen w/ paper towels under it (rotating to keep it dry) then when I was done w/ my runs it all went into the freezer for about an hour (with the microplane) then I got in the freezer and grated for 1 minute, took a brake, closed the door, kept doing that until it was all grated (onto parchment) then I spread it out. let it sit int he freezer for about an hour. Took it out and put it in a room @ 50* F / 40% RH (mixing and rotating parchment often, while keeping it spread out)
I think that's all the steps.