The Weed Nerd~

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Just sending you a PM regarding something on the TGA genetics site which i dont know if your aware of! I wont post here because of its nature but the PM i sent you has a brief explanation of what im refering to.
Been thinking about sub asking for suggestions for the show...

I like it everytime he features someone else's garden. E.g. farmer John showed off his garden with jinxproof. Loved seeing other green avengers gardens. Also when tc visited frenchy, and weeden updates were also great.

Just thought if chime in on what I enjoy from the show. Oh and 'the news' read by subcool is always good (tokeofthetown stuff)
Very impressive and I don't mean the THC levels Look at the Terpines

wow i just wish are bud over here could go through that level of testing ( just shows what leagalization can do eh?) again you guys in US are sooo far ahead respect to you all and especially sub and all the others for sharing their hard earned knowledge
peace from the UK

Just sending you a PM regarding something on the TGA genetics site which i dont know if your aware of! I wont post here because of its nature but the PM i sent you has a brief explanation of what im refering to.
No nerd grows AUTOs..calm down go to first page...start from there..looks like you dig for negativity ..stop trying to point out shit ...ain't nobody perfect...just saying......
I've been searching for a strain for my girlfriend to use for anxiety.
She smokes cigarettes like a train, but has a bit of unease about smoking weed.
She has very manic episodes, and sometimes she just needs to relax but her mind won't stop running.
Without getting too narcotic of a high, what strain would be beneficial for someone with a low
tolerance that doesn't really want to get that high, just ease anxiety?
Any help would be very appreciated,


Hey Dol,

I grew Jillybean for anti-anxiety and anti-depressent characteristics. UNIVERSALLY with everyone I have blessed with a sample, the verdict is that it's a great strain to moderate depression. Even a friend who didn't believe that different strains could have different effects ("Weed is weed," he said) immediately reported that Jillybean makes him feel happy. Happy, happy, happy. And I have to agree! It definitely elevates mood.

Now for the anti-anxiety -- I've found moderate relief for anxiety. It's not like valium, which crushes anxiety in 20 minutes for me. But it does relieve it enough that I can sleep at night!

Other nice attributes: if I'm well rested, it gives me an energy boost. If I'm exhausted, it helps me sleep. the interest of full disclosure, my women friends tend to report delightful sex while using it. Just sayin'...

Personally, I'm growing Space Dawg next to see if light use is better for anxiety (it seems to be very strong and easy to over do it).

Good luck to your girlfriend! Also, for someone who is a little uncomfortable with smoking weed, Jillybean is a very gentle high -- nothing scary or too trippy or paranoid. I recommend she vape two hits off a Volcano or Magic Flight Launch Box, and that should do it at first. Happiness can be found right there.

What if you can only gorilla grow outside, and you live so far north that only autos would finish? I think in that circumstance autos are acceptable. Especially if you also buy Timewreck to give it a shot, expecting at worst some early hash.;-)
No worries stableboy -- everybody's got their own needs and methods. Agree if autos are all you got that can get the job going, that's what you got... it's just not what sub breeds for and not what a lot of nerds will get excited about. Some people grow fems due to lack of plant space... fems are a much bigger market than autos, but it's just not what sub's about and he's got more than he can handle on his plate at any one time already... plenty of breeders with fems and autos if its what you're looking for.

Dank + ruderalis = less dank. TGA doesn't breed for less dank :)
Good luck to your girlfriend! Also, for someone who is a little uncomfortable with smoking weed, Jillybean is a very gentle high -- nothing scary or too trippy or paranoid. I recommend she vape two hits off a Volcano or Magic Flight Launch Box, and that should do it at first. Happiness can be found right there.


That's all I'm looking for.
Sweet and easy man :)
Reef- Trust me. If I were in a medical state, and could grow indoors, I would be pheno hunting with the rest of you nerds. As it stands I look forward to the outdoor mold resistant (hopefully super mold resistant) Timewreck. The Autos are guarantees for me, so there has to be something said for that. To be honest, I like to grow a strain called Iranian Autoflower. It is a true miracle plant. It has no ruderalis in it whatsoever. It is a lone Iranian Indica out of 8,000 that flowered early, and finished early. They saved that plant, brought it back and realized that you can clone it, and that it will autoflower after 45 days, and finish about 7 weeks later. It tastes hashy, which is not the worst thing in the world. No Mango baby poo or anything, but it works.
Reef- Trust me. If I were in a medical state, and could grow indoors, I would be pheno hunting with the rest of you nerds. As it stands I look forward to the outdoor mold resistant (hopefully super mold resistant) Timewreck. The Autos are guarantees for me, so there has to be something said for that. To be honest, I like to grow a strain called Iranian Autoflower. It is a true miracle plant. It has no ruderalis in it whatsoever. It is a lone Iranian Indica out of 8,000 that flowered early, and finished early. They saved that plant, brought it back and realized that you can clone it, and that it will autoflower after 45 days, and finish about 7 weeks later. It tastes hashy, which is not the worst thing in the world. No Mango baby poo or anything, but it works.
Hey Stable, the Iranian is what I "cut my teeth" on. My buddy had got a 10pk and split them with me. I just killed the 1st 4 (poppin 1 at a time) because I was clueless and was using the plant and pray method. I had 1 bean left and I started youtubin. I stumbled across a guy named subcool that had a little southern accent and played some badass tunes, his plants looked like what I wanted and he seemed to have already answered almost every question I had. I just started trying copy what he did and it was like magic, it worked! Lol! I ended up with about 2 1/2 zips of some of the best id ever had (most of what id had was Mexican brick at that point). I couldn't have been any prouder. I found RIU, joined up, growing was all I could think about, all I read about, and realized I had found others that felt the same way. I had someone I could talk to! Besides having kids, it was the most rewarding thing I had ever done. That's when I realized I was a Weed Nerd. So yeah, i'll always have a special spot for that Iranian. I haven't grown it since, but it was like my 3rd kid! And Sub, I only hope that one day I can repay you for everything you've shared. I get a certain peace in my stressful life, and I truly have you to thank for it. You are the man!
I was just watching Spannabis 2013 on youtube. One of the Breeders (devil's harvest I believe) was saying they are going to be slowing their production of fem seeds. As they see demand is going down now.

I don't know if that's true all over or not, but I thought it to be an interesting note.
I like hashy :) Seems unlikely that it's an autoflower and has no ruderalis in it anywhere :)

Someone mentioned that timewreck was very mold resistant.

Nice jailbyrd I tend to think people find the nerd through RIU but I guess it works the other way around too ;)
What if you can only gorilla grow outside, and you live so far north that only autos would finish? I think in that circumstance autos are acceptable.

im in this position until i can upgrade.

No worries stableboy -- everybody's got their own needs and methods. Agree if autos are all you got that can get the job going, that's what you got... Some people grow fems due to lack of plant space... fems are a much bigger market than autos,

again im in this situation.

but i was giving Subcool a heads up due to there being 56000+ spam on his site including illegal sick porn comments. It is the though that counts, and i though Subcool should know incase he wasnt aware. I watch the show for his knowledge to prepare myself for when i can step into his gentic growing world.

dont worry i will avoid posting on this thread in future since you make it clear anyone not growing Subcools strains clearly shouldnt post on his threads to help them gain knowledge, for when they can begin trying better strains.
I am so green with envy. Would love to be able to visit shows.

My girlfriend and I will meet you one day sub, AND gain your respect as growers..
There is a certain STRAWBERRY festival in TN today...anybody wearing a TGA shirt is getting free packs of bubblegum,deisel,and a couple grams of AOS...and just got an email..there is gonna be lots of strawberry kush and moonshine around..hope to see at least a couple nerds..

Just sending you a PM regarding something on the TGA genetics site which i dont know if your aware of! I wont post here because of its nature but the PM i sent you has a brief explanation of what im refering to.

I am aware of all the spam I have never even been to that section of the site and I stay REALLY busy so I don't think some wankers haters comments are effecting us in anyway :)
Thanks though for your concern that is very nice.

Nice to see an american using the word wanker, haha.

Popped my first TGA genetics on 3rd april this year. 5 Jillybeans, right before I thought they were going to go off the menu forever, as my girlfriend was instantly drawn to the description of the high/taste, and then about 10 days ago, I put 5 querkles in. One of the querkles is easily the best growing plant ive seen, really quick growth, beautiful flat broad leaves, really loooking forward to putting the first jilly beans into flower.

Like I said before, my girlfriend and I have an ambition of learning as much as possible about growing, then eventually getting into breeding, as we would ideally love to get into the industry proper.

Have learnt a hell of a lot from your weed nerd videos, look forward to each new one, and speaking of cant wait.. talk about the new strains.. wow, really excited by the new potential offerings (Popped a solo JTR 2 days ago and I was excited to see it used in a lot of the new crosses)

Lots of respect for you and MzJill
dont worry i will avoid posting on this thread in future since you make it clear anyone not growing Subcools strains clearly shouldnt post on his threads to help them gain knowledge, for when they can begin trying better strains.

Don't be so touchy mang - I was just responding to why the people on the nerd thread don't get excited about autos and why sub doesn't offer'em... not a personal attack on you - I said in the quote you included that autos have their place when they meet the needs of the grower - everybody's got their own wants and needs. If someone posts wondering why sub isn't offering autos and you get a response you don't like that doesn't mean you shouldn't post again. See this is why you need something other than autos... you need something that chills ya out we're just having a conversation here ;) bongsmilie i'm gonna take another hit myself
I like hashy :) Seems unlikely that it's an autoflower and has no ruderalis in it anywhere :)

Like I said, it is a miracle plant. Dr Greenthumb up here in Canada planted 8,000 Iranian Indicas, and there was a single plant that flowered super early. He re-vegged that plant and grew out clones, and found that it AUTOFLOWERED after 45 days, and finished 45 days later. It can be cloned, but must be kept under constant high intensity blue spectrum light. So there is no ruderalis in it, but it still is an autoflower because it flowers after 45 days. You can top them and everything! See, where I live, by the time the days get short enough to induce flower, you only have a few weeks of good weather remaining, and most varieties get mold and bud rot before they are near finished. Definitely before you get bug buds like the one in my avatar. I am still gonna try Timewreck, and see if I can pull a trick or two to get them to start flowering as early as I can.
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