The White privilege to terrorize

I did. There is no unitary white culture. You seem to resist facts that go against the grain of your hatred.
There is no white culture? Are you sure? Starting with democracy in Greece, white people have thousands of years of culture, achievements, and inventions that make them the preeminent race over the last 600 years or so....
There is no white culture? Are you sure? Starting with democracy in Greece, white people have thousands of years of culture, achievements, and inventions that make them the preeminent race over the last 600 years or so....
Dont forget the holocaust. Whites did the holocaust too

Barbaric savages if you look at the facts about what whites have done
There is no white culture? Are you sure? Starting with democracy in Greece, white people have thousands of years of culture, achievements, and inventions that make them the preeminent race over the last 600 years or so....
That was Greek culture. Not White Culture.
That last term is a fabrication of bigots to justify treating nonwhites as subhuman and thus open to "pest control", a particularly weasely synonym for genocide. The real deal, not "white genocide" which isnt a thing. The fact that you use the term is diagnostic.
woooo...look out!..we got one of them internet tough guys here.
How am i a tough guy for asking a question?

Heres another question: why did so many three percenters get charged with crimes for their criminal activities while trying to overthrow the government and install trump as a fascist dictator on January 6th?
I don't know either, but the guy has been a member for only 8 hours, and he has posted over 100 times in the Politics Forum!

He is certainly making a statement, no matter how stupid it is. :lol:

wow...These motherfuckers attacked me from the moment I first posted. They continuously called me names and insulted me and I politely defend myself and my posts and I'm the one that's "stupid"? Man...fuck you and your forum. I definitely don't belong here.
wow...These motherfuckers attacked me from the moment I first posted. They continuously called me names and insulted me and I politely defend myself and my posts and I'm the one that's "stupid"? Man...fuck you and your forum. I definitely don't belong here.
Sorry for attacking you by typing words on a pot forum that no one forced you to read you whiny gun militia bitch
I believe in finding UNITY and coming together

One thing we can ALL agree upon is that when the topic of White Genocide comes up -"anti-racists" start calling white people slurs, say that white people deserve genocide because white kids are evil, say that these evil white kids are a social construct that don't exist, say that white genocide isn't happening, then they justify white genocide, and then say if you don't want white genocide to happen then you're a nazi

It's one thing we can ALL agree upon
Anti-Racist is ALWAYS just a code word for ANTI-WHITE
I believe in finding UNITY and coming together

One thing we can ALL agree upon is that when the topic of White Genocide comes up -"anti-racists" start calling white people slurs, say that white people deserve genocide because white kids are evil, say that these evil white kids are a social construct that don't exist, say that white genocide isn't happening, and then say if you don't want it to happen then you're a nazi

It's one thing we can ALL agree upon

Anti-Racist is ALWAYS just a code word for ANTI-WHITE
Why are ALL you NAZIS so sensitive?