The White privilege to terrorize

I believe in finding UNITY and coming together

One thing we can ALL agree upon is that when the topic of White Genocide comes up -"anti-racists" start calling white people slurs, say that white people deserve genocide because white kids are evil, say that these evil white kids are a social construct that don't exist, say that white genocide isn't happening, then they justify white genocide, and then say if you don't want white genocide to happen then you're a nazi

It's one thing we can ALL agree upon
Anti-Racist is ALWAYS just a code word for ANTI-WHITE
When you use the words White Genocide, what do you mean?
Mooray - i have been TOLD by numerous people in this thread that i am a "nazi" if i think white people should have human rights and not be subjected to genocidal policies

I know the INTENTION of this is to try to get white people to SHUT UP and embrace the genocide that your brainwashers demand, but it doesnt really work with me

This is your big lie. White people worlwide have complete human rights. In fact they enjoy unfair privilege.
It's this constant implication that nonwhites are somehow THREATENING white people that marks you as a Nazi or worse. I bet you think the rest are n**ers, sand n**ers, bean n**ers, rice n**ers and so on. Not truly people after all.
This is why you are getting your pasty Klan ass handed to you on the regular.


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DEMAND ---> threaten slander coercion ... hell in Europe people go to PRISON for objecting to white genocide

It's actually a CRIME in SWEDEN to criticize the immigration policy

Can you show examples of going to prison for simply objecting? Countries like France are pretty awesome when it comes to free speech, but of course "Europe" is a pretty big place and you could be referring to some of the backwards ones.
Okay, great, can you post these genocidal policies you're referring to? Because it's really hard to discuss without know exactly what you're talking about.

Massive immigration + FORCED assimilation on to EVERY & ONLY White countries. CLEARLY GENOCIDElemkin.jpg
Massive immigration + FORCED assimilation on to EVERY & ONLY White countries. CLEARLY GENOCIDEView attachment 4974129
I am curious where this nation with no white people living in it is.

Oh man!

Does this mean that Tiger Woods' parents committed Genocide on both the Vietnamese and African race?
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Did my mom genocide Mexicans to have me while my dad genocided whiteness?

Does it work both ways or is the racist snow flaking just worried about 'whiteness'?
Can you show me some immigrate/emigrate numbers and policies?

One minute anti-whites are on National TV OPENLY BRAGGING that your policies are turning Europe/America non-White

Suddenly i bring up the law on genocide and you anti-whites start demanding PROOF that you are not liars

To be fair, he knows the definition. I had no idea, but genocide could arguably be stretched to hurting the feelings of an ethnic group. Yeah sure, you'd have to be the biggest crybaby bitch on the planet to use any type of language to put yourself into the same categories as those murdered in the holocaust, but...sure as shit....he's doing it. Narcissistic white entitlement knows no bounds.
One minute anti-whites are on National TV OPENLY BRAGGING that your policies are turning Europe/America non-White

Suddenly i bring up the law on genocide and you anti-whites start demanding PROOF that you are not liars

uh in america in it's beginning was a red man country
Clearly i know the definition of genocide, and clearly you anti-whites know you are GUILTY AF and can only respond with deception and fraud. I havent even got to all the human rights violations that most of you have ALREADY ADMITTED you are engaged in.

Law 001.jpg
To be fair, he knows the definition. I had no idea, but genocide could arguably be stretched to hurting the feelings of an ethnic group. Yeah sure, you'd have to be the biggest crybaby bitch on the planet to use any type of language to put yourself into the same categories as those murdered in the holocaust, but...sure as shit....he's doing it. Narcissistic white entitlement knows no bounds.
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