the wierd way I start out my seeds post your way! or opinions!


Well-Known Member
Heres a good example of what the average person should do and compare it to what you did.

Get seed.. put in jar with reverse osmosis water, put in a drawer or some dark closed area, check back on it in like 2-3 days until the root is a bit long..
get a rock wool cube soak it on the 2nd day the root pops up in a seperate bowl of reverse osmosis water for 24 hours (so it will be 3rd day since root showed) by soacking for 24 hours it neutralizes the ph. ALSO if you want to go a bit advances, dilute some SuperThrive with a gallon of water and use THAT water to start up the seeds.

put in a glass dish and fill with water, place rockwool on top so a little less than the bottom half has water on the cube (cube pulls water up so it will ALWAYS stay moist)
Grab the jar and tip over onto the cube and dish so the seed with root falls on top of rock wool cube, used a sanitized item to push the root into the hole and have it so only the seed shell sticks up, press the hole a little close together so it promotes contact with the root so they have water.

Get a coolwhite light (low wattage will work just FINE) attach the light to a timer, adjust the timer so it ends at 12pm and starts at 6am.

Just wait and watch the sprout pop up, right when you see leaves get a cup and put soil on the bottom and fill the cup a bit so rockwool will be in middle, since its a square and cups a circle put soil on the side to fill in the empty space, and put soil on top to cover the whole cube so the root in the hole isnt expose to light.

keep that under the light (very close because its low wattage remember, 23 watt is great to work with) than after a week check the bottom of cup for roots, if you see it crowding transfer it into a pot of any size you want.) (btw transferring from the rockwool to soil wont stress the plant since the root will still be growing and wouldnt have even grown OUT of the rock wool cube yet)

from there im sure you know exactly what to do lol :] :P :P

Please post your ideas because I know there are better ways its just this is my total fail proof way to do things :] :P

btw putting the jar next to a warm source of heat will speed up the process and improve your chances of germination :]


Well-Known Member
you're right, that's weird, I put my seeds in soil and water them, it's totally funny but is there anybody else who does what I do?


Well-Known Member
lol I tried that as a kid.. and i plant grew so i was hella happy! but turns out it was a weed and not the vegetable seed I planted..

i imagine that maybe its because the seed is delicate.. and the soil is a hard rock substance.. (its soil.. dirt is rock but super small.. lol)

anyway it just never worked out for me that way and the success rate is a tad bit lower than the way I have been doing things now.
Also a tad bit heat for the jar REALLY helps out to speed the process and makes it more effecient for the seed to absorb the water


Well-Known Member
That's a very interesting method there. I just put it in a shot glass, put it in a dark area. Push the seed down after a bit, wait til the seed cracks open and a little root tease comes out, then I just plant it in straight soil.
Works for me ^ ^


Well-Known Member
That's a very interesting method there. I just put it in a shot glass, put it in a dark area. Push the seed down after a bit, wait til the seed cracks open and a little root tease comes out, then I just plant it in straight soil.
Works for me ^ ^
nice, and yeah usually the seed just ends up sinking on its own, i figure 3/4th in water and the 1/4th on top just promotes a good healthy ratio of water to oxygen.

when you plant it into soil, how do you ensure that the root will face down instead of tip over on its side?

and how deep do you put it into the soil and do you sprinkle the soil on top or just push the little tiny mound over it?


Well-Known Member


I hope this link expands into a pic.

but yeah the plant on left and right both were grown in my wierd way, the one on the right had to stretch for the floro light since i was retarded and forgot that i put them into cups first BEFORE the root popped out of the rock wool (remember i mentioned procrastination? well it caused me to forget my plans for the starting phase)
the one on the bottom my friend did under 150 watt floro and had 2-4 inches. he gave to me to take care of, he started 3-4 days earlier than me. lmfao

they are i think 2-2.5 weeks in this pic. they are a lot more mature at 3 weeks, his is looking a bit more expanded right now.
I need a better set up but once again this was all last second and that REALLY screwed over my set up because i was intending on getting the mylar, the exhaust system and its not even in the room it shoulda been lol, and this cabinet was the only thing I saw that woulda sufficed in holding a light and setting up the plants for higher wind and it was rainin like a mother fucker for weeks haha :]

I think its so funny because I always thought his woulda been waaay better than mine so i didnt think i had room..


Well-Known Member
i put my seeds in a shotglass with tap water, then turn on my ps3 and sit the glass in my entertainment center behind the ps3 for heat. In a day (normally less than) they crack and sink then i put them in a party cup with cling wrap over the top to hold humidity. Normally have seedlings within 2-3 days of putting them in the party cup. Slightly strange for using the ps3 for heat but its all i got lol


Well-Known Member
Yeah I heard about that.. and shiit bro kill two birds with one stone man, and I never thought of a cloth over the cup.. it holds in the heat that way even better haha
and shii bro id love to play call of duty and have a fellow grower call so i can say "oh dont worry man im doing something productive, playin call of duty but its ok because its benefiting my plant"


Well-Known Member
That's a lot of work for germinating a seed, but if it works for you, then keep it going....I just use a seed starter and once that has grown, I transplant it into the final medium...You can tell which end will root because of the shape of the seed. There is a dull side and a pointed side. The seed will germinate out of the pointed side, so put that down in the soil, about a 1/4" deep.


Well-Known Member
That's a lot of work for germinating a seed, but if it works for you, then keep it going....I just use a seed starter and once that has grown, I transplant it into the final medium...You can tell which end will root because of the shape of the seed. There is a dull side and a pointed side. The seed will germinate out of the pointed side, so put that down in the soil, about a 1/4" deep.
yeah 1/4" inch i noticed is the typical length for any seed. I too have noticed seed starters for a while, I hear it contains all the nutrients a plant needs starting up. than you can transplant into a bigger looking starter. also i seen vids where people have those starters in a huge tray and they hydro that way for their clones.. i needa look more into it but dunno where to start.


Active Member
i germinate my seeds in a Tupperware(4x5) container and paper towel, fold the paper towel until it fits in the container then run it under hot water, squeeze the water out,put the seeds in one of the folds , put the paper towel in the container and put the top on. the next day u should have a seed that pops with about a 1/2 in root. now i put the seed in the soil about a half inch with the root pointing down, cover it with a little soil(i use ffof) and cover the potter with a peace of clear plastic. in 3 weeks they are a foot tall and out of the seedling stage every seed Ive done this with has popped and GROWN


Well-Known Member
i germinate my seeds in a Tupperware(4x5) container and paper towel, fold the paper towel until it fits in the container then run it under hot water, squeeze the water out,put the seeds in one of the folds , put the paper towel in the container and put the top on. the next day u should have a seed that pops with about a 1/2 in root. now i put the seed in the soil about a half inch with the root pointing down, cover it with a little soil(i use ffof) and cover the potter with a peace of clear plastic. in 3 weeks they are a foot tall and out of the seedling stage every seed Ive done this with has popped and GROWN
NICE!!! i have for a month been considering switching over to the paper towel method because i know the seed cracking rate is better than in a jar of water because it adds in oxygen.
I love how you put the towel in a container so the humidity stays up. and since the paper towel was hot originally while it cools down it will increase the humidity in that container, do you have small holes in the container or whaa?
and for the clear plastic, liike suran wrap?

yeah dude the plant on the right was weak and had to stretch for the light since only one plant could get most of the light (made mistake in planting with 2 pots instead of cups) so the seed that is suppose to fall off is still like.. totally attached to the lil sprout leaf on the bottom, and it was funny cuz that little shell weight the plant and made it fall horizontally haha so i hadda get the soil and mound it like a volcanoe to hold the stems weight hahaha

smokey green

Active Member
I put my seeds n a shot glass full of water, then place a cookie sheet in my gas oven (the pilot light keeps the oven nice n toasty when its not on), I then take the shot glass with seeds n water and place it on the cookie sheet, then proceed to cover the shot glass with a coffee mug, 24 hrs later, open the oven and DING.....seeds are germinated and ready for everytime...


Well-Known Member
nice, and yeah usually the seed just ends up sinking on its own, i figure 3/4th in water and the 1/4th on top just promotes a good healthy ratio of water to oxygen.

when you plant it into soil, how do you ensure that the root will face down instead of tip over on its side?

and how deep do you put it into the soil and do you sprinkle the soil on top or just push the little tiny mound over it?
I put the seed as deep as its size is. I generally put a tiny mound over it because watering tends to destroy some soil.
As for which way it faces... generally I just plant it like a normal seed is planted, the point facing up, but then again sometimes the root is pointing another way so I tend to just make the root face downwards into the soil.


Well-Known Member
I put the seed as deep as its size is. I generally put a tiny mound over it because watering tends to destroy some soil.
As for which way it faces... generally I just plant it like a normal seed is planted, the point facing up, but then again sometimes the root is pointing another way so I tend to just make the root face downwards into the soil.
yeah it was mentioned earlier that pointed side always has root popping out of, so BLUNT side has the sprout which is what we all want :]


I compared many methods at once trying several viable seeds. I used the paper towel method with a plastic baggy, i used the shot glass trick, and i used rapid rooters with a heat mat, and vented humidity dome.

The Rapid Rooters were the first to take root and sprout, paper towel second, shot glass third.

The rapid rooters were sprouted and have showed their first leaves 60 hours after SOWING. All I did was stick the seed POINTED SIDE UP 2mm into a moist rapid rooter plug. I misted the dome and the plugs every 4 - 8 hours, and I keep my grow room at around 81 degrees F.

I'll post pics if ya want.


Active Member
If your starting larger amounts of seeds, I just use a 10 x 20 flat full of potting soil, arrange seeds, cover with 1/2 to 3/4 inch potting soil, water well, put heating cable underneath flat. Allow seedlings to get first true leaves. I then gently lift plant and root mass and transplant into new container. Once a plant gets true leaves they are extremely hardy, compared to working with seeds that just have germinated. It is very easy for just germinated seeds to get a little ding in them, which can cause all kinds of root rot issues, right away or later in the plants live.

The Serpent

Active Member
i put my seeds between two or three wet paper towels in a ceramic bowl over which I put cling film. Then put it into my boiler cupboard which is usually nice and warm, I use the ceramic bowl (a soup bowl) because it stays really warm easily and lets the warmth get through, use the cling film to retain the moisture. Seems to work well enough.

Cling films easy to peel back and check the seed, keeps it covered and moistured nicely.


Active Member
No holes in the container, and whatever clear plastic i have at the time( plastic bag, saran wrap, clear plastic sheeting)


Well-Known Member
I compared many methods at once trying several viable seeds. I used the paper towel method with a plastic baggy, i used the shot glass trick, and i used rapid rooters with a heat mat, and vented humidity dome.

The Rapid Rooters were the first to take root and sprout, paper towel second, shot glass third.

The rapid rooters were sprouted and have showed their first leaves 60 hours after SOWING. All I did was stick the seed POINTED SIDE UP 2mm into a moist rapid rooter plug. I misted the dome and the plugs every 4 - 8 hours, and I keep my grow room at around 81 degrees F.

I'll post pics if ya want.
hell yeah man beneficial pics are always welcome in my threads bro.